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Such a major leap is color.
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I've just come away from viewing The Two Towers UHD (Theatrical). I can honestly say that I've never enjoyed watching this film so much. The new colour grade is transformative. Shots that were previously flat and lifeless under blanket digital tints now have beautiful depth and vivid colour particularly the landscapes. I noticed details that were never apparent to me before such as the scattered purple flowers on the clifftop as Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are running and the gold detailing on Gimli's armour and around the entrance to Meduseld. The HDR is a massive plus on the brightness side as well. The sunlight reflecting off the backs of the Rohirrim as they ride down to Helm's Deep was a jaw-dropper for me.
I have to say that I sit a good 10ft away from a 55" screen and my eyes are 41 years old so the DNR and occasional smudgy shot was never noticeable enough to take me out of the movie.
So are these remasters a failure? A waste of money? Absolutely not. Can't wait to see what they've done with Return Of The King.
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So the Theatrical and Extended cuts have two entirely separate masters in terms of colour?
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As far as I know they are the same.
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I was going to wait until finishing the trilogy before trying to form an opinion but, having seen the first two (theatrical), I too have come firmly down on the positive side.
I'm very much a film guy and generally very suspicious of attempts to digitally sanitise analogue sources. Comments here and elsewhere had left me without much hope that this release would be for me. But the approach taken here has given a picture which, projected on a 7ft screen, is as detailed and immersive as I've seen since the original releases - most likely more so.
Yes, there are a scattering of excessively-smoothed shots, which could charitably be viewed as a best effort to reconcile some frustratingly rough sources (though there is every chance that they're simply victims of a too-tight release schedule), but they're hardly enough to destroy the experience. If this release doesn't work for others, that's fair enough, but I'd encourage anyone who hasn't actually watched them to do so - the screenshots don't seem to be doing the actual viewing experience justice.
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2021-02-21, 11:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 2021-02-21, 12:11 PM by webbos.)
In regards to the OP post : I would say the BluRay version can't really hold up a candle in terms of color accuracy and that's what matters most from a calibration perspective (aka how the director intended for the viewer to see). The HDR part is bonus & welcome, of course.
What i'm curious is - the LFE level didn't seem loud when I've watched it, actually quite spot-on.
What audio setup are you using @TomArrow ?
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I got done watched the discs myself recently. DNR definitely seemed prominent with 2K upscale levels of detail in certain shots, while some shots looked fairly grainy and pleasing. I think I noticed the DNR the most in ROTK.
I hope that someday a fan restoration can be cobbled together from different sources and make an ultimate version that exceeds this release. Unfortunately I'm not nearly experienced enough to do something like that myself.
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webbos I'll give you that, something about my audio setup may be wonky. It's not professionally set up or calibrated or anything, just random 5.1 components thrown together lol.