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Frankenstein (1931) Audio Preservation
It was mentioned in the DVD documentary that the source used to restore the line was an old record. Although I think the basic track used for the whole movie since 2004 is an inferior mix, one thing I do like was that the missing line now blends in better with the soundtrack. In the video below is how the line sounded when reinstated for the 1999 DVD. The audio for that release IMO was actually not too bad when you compare it to the mix used now. The dialogue sounds clean and the missing bits were actually featured on this release but it sounds like a lot of DNR was used on the audio and in the end it just sounds too quiet. Anyways you can notice a MAJOR shift in audio quality at the moment he starts yelling 'Its Alive!' indicating where the attempt to restore the censored line had taken place. This gave me the theory that perhaps for the 2004 DVD it was instead decided to just balance out the whole track by using the record recording that was used to restore the line and Universal just decided that this would be the default mix on every subsequent release. I mentioned this theory on Classic Horror Film Board, where I was arguing my case with this whole audio situation, but I got this response from a user 'No, Chris, as described recently hereabouts by David Skal, that missing line was scourced from original sound discs; but that source was not used for the balance of the track'. Im partly willing to believe that only cause I would like to think that that much effort wouldnt be made to restore one line but hearing the sound mix thats been in use since 2004 I dont know anymore.

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I do wanna mention one more thing jerry. On the 2004 DVD, Universal also attempted to 'fix' an audio glitch. This occurs when Henry and Waldman hear Fritz scream. When Henry runs to the door and opens it, on every release prior to 2004 the sound of the door handle clanging occurs about a split second before Henry actually grabs it. For the 2004 DVD, Universal actually repositioned the audio at this point so the sound and action are in sync although the remainder of the scene until it cuts to the front view of the two coming down the stairs is now a split second out of sync, at least that's how it looks to me. For the 2006 DVD, Universal again tried to fix this but this time only repositioned the actual sound effect with, from what I see, everything else remaining in sync. For the BD, Universal instead reverted back to the original 'unsynced' timing which is also how I think we should go for this project.
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Well, f*ck... I rendered my sync job and started listening to it, only to discover that there is a few things that I missed (audio drop-outs on the LD inherent to the source and NOT any fault of person capturing the audio as the exact same drop-outs are present on the VHS audio) and a few transitions on the re-sync that just seem off to me and I have to go back and try to re-do them...

Will respond to your previous two posts later as I'm exhausted right now... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzEyedrop
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Is it possible one of the older LD editions doesn't have those dropouts?
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Hmm strange. Can you name any specific scenes where the dropouts are noticeable so I can recheck the VHS???
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Just as example, look at the audio between (roughly) 1h 5min and 1h 6min 30sec (during the crowd noise) at almost every shot change, there is a drop-out, which was fixed (mostly)on the BD. The EXACT SAME drop-outs are present on the LD and VHS, so I know they were sourced from the same master... (another example, around the 1 minute mark, when the music first starts playing, there is an audio drop-out/glitch)

Busy day today... gotta a lot of stuff to take care of... will be back later tonight and can answer in more detail then...
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I think I know what youre referring to and truthfully Ive probably noticed it before but until now didnt really think much of it but you're the syncing master. I'll respond to this in Frankenstein fashion. I leave it in your care whatever happens. You understand? In your care.
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When you mentioned, "...in my care;" this came to mind:

[Image: 71UusexYBQL.jpg]

My oldest daughter is sleeping already and my youngest is slowly starting to drift off while watching "The Raccoons," (damn, I miss the premium Disney Channel of the 80s-early 90s) so I will be able to resume working on this soon. Been a long day of running around and I'm a little more tired than usual, but will move things forward as much as possible tonight. I really hope I can have it done before I go to sleep - but NO promisesTongue

Before I go, I am still wondering if I will actually try to make a better sounding version of the BD audio. Yes, I have been able to match it VERY closely to the LD audio (at least in the instances where I have had to splice in the BD audio so far) BUT the problem is that I have to use different filter settings throughout the film (in other words, I can not use the same settings for the entire thing) and I would have to custom match it scene by scene and in some cases, shot to shot change. I might try to do this after I move, but I'm not sure if it will be necessary. Honestly, if I can get the LD PCM synced properly and seamlessly throughout the entire film, then I see no need for it since I plan on doing two versions of the LD audio: a "raw" unfiltered and just synced version and a cleaned&syned version.
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I look forward to what you end up with regardless of what you use. However I don't want you doing any unneeded extra work if most of the work has already been done. To do a totally different revision of the BD track in the future is up to you but I don't think it fits in our criteria at the moment but then again I'm not the one doing the sync job. You said a few posts back that the LD track is the superior track with what we are using so for so let's just stick with that for now, especially cause it seems you've been working hard enough on this as it is haha. And yes an unfiltered 'as is' track and a filtered track would be nice. Yay team!! Big Grin Also did u check those two posts I made the other night??
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I did see your posts and I will address them (as some become self-explanatory with my "sync changelog notes") as soon as I have completed the workWink

The tinkering with the BD audio was JUST an idea because of the results I noticed I was getting for the parts where I have to splice in BD audio because it's missing on the LD...

Believe it or not, I'm still not finished... it's getting closer, but I am re-checking stuff and I'd rather take an extra day or two and make sure it's done right and it is not yet... but it's closeWink
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