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[Cancelled] Evil Dead Regrade (Japanese Herald Laserdisc)
Wow great job on this PDB, removing that magenta improved the hell out of it.

Film Addict    
Thanks given by: PDB
Thanks, Doom
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(2017-05-02, 10:39 PM)MrBrown Wrote: I would say vice versa: the LD is not stabilized, but more open matted, while the DVD use the additional matting to stabilize a bit more...

You are more right then you know, Mr Brown. I was comparing the Elite DVD to the BD yesterday, trying to matte in Rob Tapert back into the bridge scene and the BD has been vertically stabilized in comparison. That presents some problems.
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PDB this looks pretty EPIC Big Grin
Thanks given by: PDB
Thanks Bendermac.

Here is the first ~6 minutes of regraded footage compared to the BD. There is one or two small color tweaks still to do but this is in general what it will look like.

Top Left:BD/Bottom Right: Regrade

The soundtrack is the mono from the LD, hence the hiss.
Brilliant correction. Gives the whole film a different feel and one that I suspect is more theatrically accurate!
Thanks given by: PDB
Very nice of you to say Falcon
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btw.: maybe someone reading this today is interested:

Saw it never on that "low" price before...
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
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(2017-06-10, 06:18 PM)MrBrown Wrote: btw.: maybe someone reading this today is interested:

Saw it never on that "low" price before...

Damn good, little less than I paid from Facebook.
It's the best version on LD for me
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