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Batman 1989 4K
(2019-06-07, 09:22 PM)Chewtobacca Wrote:
(2019-06-07, 06:52 PM)Turisu Wrote: I'd be very interested to know how this track compares to the LD 2.0 track.

Going by the spectrograms, the LD (top) looks way better.

[Image: Gr9mrRD.png]

[Image: lcmut6R.png]

I still think the JP disc has more punch by ear
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Are you able to rip it?
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OK, guys. My bad for spreading a false information, unless it's now that I am... Well, anyway, after further looking into it, it seems that there is no need for an initial delay between the old Blu-ray and the remastered one as they're both in total sync from start to finish. As for the UHD, a minus-4-frame delay (-167 ms) will suffice as the rest is in perfect sync, too.
I figured this out by encoding the 3 remuxes I made into Xvid videos* and opening them in VirtualDubMod. I opened the 3 of them in seperate VirtualDubMods and navigated in all 3 videos to find that out. As before (when using Xvid4PSP), I compared each time the 1st frame of any given shot throughout the 3 versions of the movie and there were no descrepancies.

[Image: pYjlR.jpg]

So, basically, we already have tracks in perfect sync with both versions of the remaster: BD is already in sync, UHD only needs a -167 ms and we're golden!

*You might notice I made my videos in PAL @ 25 fps, but know that I didn't change the frame count. And all 3 videos were made the same way anyway, so that's totally comparable.
Thanks given by: FreaQ
Interesting. Well if you're guilty of spreading false information then I'm equally guilty. I tested by opening the audio tracks in Adobe Audition and comparing waveforms. I just couldn't get them to match up. But your results seem to be indisputable so there must have been some error on my part.

In this case, I'm glad to have been wrong. Smile
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Movies that get remixed from the 'ground up' can occasionally have dialogue/FX/audio cues shifted relative to eachother and to varying degrees throughout a mix. When trying to sync via audio waveforms (audacity etc) syncing to dialogue may put the music out of sync, and vice versa. With such kinds of remix it helps to have video reference
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@Beber: Note, we europeans have now no PAL on Blu-ray anymore. Just NTSC like the US.
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(2019-06-10, 06:03 PM)DeafYakuza Wrote: @Beber: Note, we europeans have now no PAL on Blu-ray anymore. Just NTSC like the US.

I know (although some still are), but that's beside the point. I voluntarily make Xvid encodes @ 25 fps pal speed up 'cause it's easier for me to work on subtitles that I automatically convert back to 23.976 fps afterwards.
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(2019-06-10, 06:03 PM)DeafYakuza Wrote: @Beber: Note, we europeans have now no PAL on Blu-ray anymore. Just NTSC like the US.

Not true. There are still movies on Blu-ray or even UHD that are in 25fps. A lot of special features are in 25fps and 720x576. Mostly this is from small labels. So we didn't get rid of it Wink
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Ah, special features yes but not all at the main movie, just a few.
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Forever and Returns have been altered also
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