CloakedDragon97 I saw a vintage 35mm print of Silence of the Lambs at BAM. Definitely very different from the original Blu-Ray as well as the newer 4K masters. Much more saturated, contrasty, and very cool. Like @
Lio says, Jodie Foster's eyes really popped. Recalling the attempts of @
Beber to regrade, they looked pretty accurate.
The print, however, did not look like the 1998 DVD, so I wouldn't recommend that as a reference. If you want, I actually did a quick and dirty regrade to the original BD (pretty much one pass) right after I attended the screening. I can share if you'd like to understand a ballpark.
@alexpeden2000 do you mind sharing that VHS rip with me as well? Just want to confirm it matches my recollection and don't see on the Spleen for some strange reason...