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[Canceled] Terminator 2 (Theatrical Cut) (35 Project #4)
This really does look the business. How does previewing work (pardon my ignorance)?
Thanks given by: PDB
Thanks Commodore and Zoidberg

There is really not an official program or methodology. I'm one person working on these projects (outside of great martierals help from servo, buster, and brown) and I sometimes screw up, so I just ask people to take a look and see if anything looks odd. Like the color timing changing mid shot or some such. I'll just make a small mp4 and post here when its done and uploaded. Anyone who wants to help can chime in and I'll send the link. Very informal.
Thanks given by: zoidberg
Awesome, it looks like a print now! Watch out of too much purple in the night scenes. Let me know when the preview's done.
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My connection is slower than usual, but if the temp file is quite small, count me in!

About bitrate: 20mbps for a 2.35:1 active image, high motion rank, is more than adequate, even to retain all the grain intact.
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Thanks Stamper and spoRv. I rendered the test file last night but already found something I want to fix so I'll render again tonight.
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It's a classic... Wink it occurs always to me!
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Ok guys. I just finished uploading the test file and I'll PM it to everyone who showed interest. Its ~5GB with a DD2.0 soundtrack (the BD soundtrack). I was trying to keep it under the mega limit.

In the end what I did was go through the movie and cut anytime there was a major scene change. So a change from interior to exterior, a change from day to night, a change of location, cross-cutting from one spot to another (ie John calling home), etc. This resulted in cutting the film into 76 sections. I then organized all the 35mm shots Servo and I had into order to fit those shots. I used one 35mm shot to color correct the scene and then matched it to the other 35mm frames I had. If it didn't match the majority of 35mm frames I tried another. That way I had a LUT that most likely matched how the film really looked and hopefully doesn't run afoul of print variations. I then verified those shots with the 35mm telecine, especially looking at where the color changed (and the amount of blue and purple) and then verified again with a LD capture.

One thing I am looking for besides errors; is should I desaturate it a little? Servo and I talked about this but the 35mm frames have an bright backlight which allows the person to take a picture of them whereas projected it might look a little more subdued. Just looking for opinions. The telecine is also very saturated whereas the LD is more reserved.

I also expect some people to flat out not like it since it is a big change but does look more "cameron" now. I myself am not a super big fan of the purple but I'm use to it now.

Just PM me back and I'll see if I can fix any errors
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I would love to test it also.
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
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Pm'd MrBrown
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File downloading - it will take "just" a night, so I'll watch it tomorrow.

About laserdisc: the saturation on itc was usually lowered, to avoid chroma errors, in particular in the red color, which bleeds like... well, blood? Wink - often it's around 75/80% of what it "shouuld" be; I noted it, for example, with "The Thing"; I *think* the issue was (almost) solved with later titles, probably thanks to new mastering techniques and/or the adoption of SuperNTSC encoder; PAL titles are usually more colorful.
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