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Grease LD PCM preservation
The iTunes version of Grease is the new version and i was just checking it out. I think it’s safe to say most of what people fear about this new mix can rest assured. Most if not all of what stuck out like a sore thumb in the mix of the last 20 years is gone! The added foley effects? Gone! The annoying backing vocals? Gone (or at least lowered in the mix as they should)! The title song is still in a slightly different pitch in the opening credits I’m afraid but I can tolerate that. Also the opticals covering the Coke posters are replaced digitally with Pepsi posters. As a purist I would have left the opticals in but I can tolerate what they did here, especially when you can consider how much worse those opticals will stick out as TV technology keeps improving! And lastly the original Paramount logos have been restored! All I can say is I’m excited for the video release at the end of April! Big Grin
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But is this derived from the supposed 1978 70mm six track mix? And I think it would have been cheaper to just cut Coke a check than digitally add Pepsi posters. More Lucas level shenanigans. Hopefully, Chris Solo will return someday with his Coke sign restoration.

What about the fanfare over the original Paramount logo?
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TheDigitalBits Wrote:No sooner did we post then the studio’s official press release came in. The disc will include the film in full native 4K scanned from the original negative in a process supervised by director Randal Kleisner, including an HDR color grade, and a new Dolby TrueHD 5.1 sound mix created from the original 70 mm 6-track audio elements.

I like that they added Pepsi. Even if Coke was FINALLY being reasonable now, they have been asses about it for 40 years.
Pepsi probably cut Paramount a check, which is the way it should be.
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What's hilarious is there's a recurring skit from the early years of Saturday Night Live about a greasy spoon restaurant where you can only get a cheeseburger, chips and a Pepsi from the menu. (These aired around the time Grease was in theaters.) In one later skit, the local Coke vendor gets them to switch soda brands. Coke and Pepsi logos are quite visible. I'm supposed to believe this didn't have to be cleared with both companies to appear uncut on DVD?

I swear there was a fast food place around here in the early 2000's that had Pepsi and Coke!
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According to this link the product placement deal ended a while ago so really it wouldn’t matter at this point.


It does say no surviving prints have the uncensored scenes but the blurred effects wouldn’t be part of the original negative correct?? And I assume the 40th Anniversary print would be stricken from the ON would it not?? Hopefully captainsolo’s project will come to fruition soon or perhaps we can start a project that at the very least (or most depending on your view) can rotoscope the blurred effects into the new print. We’ll see.

And the question about the fanfare yes it has the original fanfare.
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The negative has the Coke sign's unblurred. There's screenshots around proving it. Its only the print's that have it although there's a rumour out there of a few that didn't from people who say they saw screenings without the blurring.
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Not my video but pretty informative.

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As its not audio related and I really didnt wanna link the images all over again, check out my post on OT.com on the digital alterations done to Grease.

Thanks given by: BDgeek

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