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  FLAC muxed with mkvmerge losing sync
Posted by: PDB - 2019-01-07, 08:03 PM - Forum: Audio and video editing - Replies (4)

Strange thing and it might just be me forgetting to do something but every flac file I mux into a MKV using mkvmerge goes out of sync. It starts fine but slowly drifts as the video progreses.

That's with flac files I have made, flac files others have made and using different audio programs and especially different versions of mkvmerge.

If I convert the flac to PCM, it will merge fine and remains in sync. Convert it back to flac and it's a no go.

Any idea as to what I'm forgetting?

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  Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - UAR
Posted by: spoRv - 2019-01-07, 11:19 AM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - Replies (10)

An image worth more than thousand word, so:

HDTV (same frame size as BD, slight different color grading)
[Image: ToD-HDTV.jpg]

UAR (available only for the opening credits, about 2m40s) regraded
[Image: ToD-UAR.jpg]

Film scan "as is"
[Image: ToD-film.jpg]


UAR Vs film:

as you can see, UAR has quite a lot less image on top and bottom, a slight less on the right, quite more on the left; color grading is "gentle", just to remind a bit the film scan.

"UAR, because every pixel counts!™" Happy

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  Threads (1984) - Severin vs. Simply BDs
Posted by: FrankT - 2019-01-05, 01:52 PM - Forum: Official and unofficial releases - Replies (4)

This harrowing film about nuclear war may be the only film I know of that had two new masters in the course of one year, with both releases bookending 2018. (Actually the Simply version was released on DVD first, in April, but the BD didn't come out until December.) The Simply version wins. While the Severin version was minted from a 2K scan, the Simply version came from the original BBC CRI prints. The difference is night and day!


Other things to note:

  • The film is meant to run at 25fps, PAL standard essentially. The Simply version gets this right, but the Severin version defaults to 24fps. You can tell from the lower pitch of the sound.
  • The subtitles vary. In the detention camp scene, a prisoner shouts "Buggered if I'm gonna be shot by a traffic warden!" The Severin BD loses this in translation, so the subtitle is... something else. I mean, I didn't quite catch it myself watching that scene for the first time, but now I look at it, I probably should have!
    UPDATE: It turns out the Simply DVD has the same error. In fact, I've concluded that every release of Threads up to the Simply BD had that erroneous subtitle. I may even draw up a comparison chart between the subtitles for each release, just for the heck of it...
  • The Simply version has an addendum at the end of the film with credits for the 2018 restoration.
  • Both Blu-rays are region-locked: Severin is Region A, Simply is Region B.
  • The Simply BD also has an exclusive audio commentary with Karen Meagher, and a PDF of Radio Times articles and letters.
  • Additionally, the Simply BD debuts a widescreen version of the film on disc 2. It's basically the same film but cropped to 16:9. But it's director-approved, so there's that.

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  random full frame film cells
Posted by: spoRv - 2019-01-04, 10:31 PM - Forum: Official and unofficial releases - Replies (11)

We all know that there are movies shot in full frame, and showed in theaters in letterbox - as well as released in home video with the same letterbox, or, sometimes, in open matte - but sometimes final prints, instead of anamorphic, are full frame as well! It will be great to have some of them scanned, as the film full frame is... well, full? Happy

True Lies
[Image: c3732a5bc0d549d0e68851484846b705.jpg]

[Image: f6013fd0ba0a7943fb5363abf48baa0b.jpg]

[Image: a32adb6ed3326ea6e9761f2a6f0a4bf5.jpg]

[Image: ffdf1f910a3c8dce1de64fca3342512d.jpg]
[Image: 03a5a44518870f2187089f572d2d1324.jpg]

Comparison with home versions

True Lies - film cell Vs 1.33:1 TV capture
[Image: TL-cell-Vs-TV.jpg]

Terminator - film cells Vs 1.66:1 Japanese laserdisc
[Image: T1-cell-Vs-LDJP-2.jpg][Image: T1-cell-Vs-LDJP.jpg]

Predator - film cells Vs 1.33:1 DVD
[Image: P1-cell-Vs-TV.jpg]
[Image: P1-cell-Vs-TV-2.jpg]

Do you see how much is lost? Sure, the whole frames were not intended to be seen by us, "mere" mortals (read: director's composition and such...) but hey, if they are available somehow, why can't we have a chance to see them?

Other cells ill follow ; too lazy to make further comparisons with home media, though, so I'll leave them to you! Wink

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  The Hateful Eight 4K with More Accurate Colors English Titles, and at 24p
Posted by: Colson - 2019-01-03, 11:12 PM - Forum: In progress - Replies (33)

Warning: SPOILERS for The Hateful Eight below (duh)

Well, I needed some practice with Davinci Resolve for another, much more complicated project, and I have been wanting to do this for quite some time, so I'm happy to announce this project, Version 1 of which is rendering right now.

The Hateful Eight is one of my favorite Tarantino movies (don't hate). The Blu-ray for The Hateful Eight leaves something to be desired. In particular, the color timing just isn't how I remember it looking in theaters, and it is light on the details. Thankfully, some kind Russian folks leaked a 4K encode of what they claimed to be a DCP copy from Russia. However, the 25fps would suggest otherwise. Either way, this Russian 4K version looks stellar. It's way, way better than the Blu-ray. In general, colors seem more accurate, with less of a magenta push. Snow, in particular, looks great in the 4K. Also, dat detail is awesome.


(I'll post more comparisons once my PC is done rendering the project) (Also Frame Compare was giving me an error so I used screenshotcomparison, please don't kill me Rob Smile)

The only problems were:

1. It was 25 fps. Sick
2. The main title and chapter titles were in Russian
3. Two very brief spots have burned in Russian subtitles.

Thankfully, problem 1 is fixed quite easily. I just slowed it down.

Problem 2 was also easy, I just swapped in the 1080p Blu-ray title footage for the 4K version. It's mostly white text on a black background, so the resolution change shouldn't be very noticeable if at all. The main title and Quentin Tarantino credit are in yellow, but even they are on a black background and the 1080p footage looks fine here. Thankfully, the opening credits that aren't on a black background are in English in the Russian version, so that got to stay as is. Same goes for the end credits.

Problem 3 is the one that I don't have a great solution for. For v1, I simply swapped in the 1080p Blu-ray footage in these spots. The first of these sequences is literally a single shot and, frankly, I'm not too worried about it. The second sequence is a brief dialogue between two characters speaking Spanish. It's only a few shots long. For v2, I want to color match the Blu-ray footage to the 4K footage so it's as minimally obvious as possible, but honestly, it doesn't look bad as is. 99.9% of this thing is just the 4K release slowed down.

As far as audio, I have synced this to the Blu-ray's audio. I don't really have any issues with the track, and a few minor differences in the length of the chapter title cards meant that using the DCP's audio would be super duper annoying. In addition, that audio had to be re-encoded because of PAL speedup anyway, so the 5.1 from the Blu-ray just made sense as the thing to use here.

(Images would not post so here is an album with them all: https://imgur.com/a/RZarDuS)

Here's a report on the work I did:

  • Added two frames of black to the end of title to sync with Blu-ray
  • There is a missing frame in the Blu-ray during the long shot just after the title, I cut one frame of black from the “Chapter 1” title card in order to compensate for this and remain in sync for dialogue and such
  • The last frame before the Chapter 2 title card is missing on the Blu-ray, which contains one extra flame of black and therefore otherwise maintains sync with the 4K in this instance. This frame is unique to the 4K. I left it in because why not: https://imgur.com/MJb8Ltg
  • The Chapter 3 title card is one frame shorter on the Blu-ray. I accounted for this.
  • The end of Chapter 3 has another unique frame! This time it looks like the following. It’s worth noting that the frames just before this one are perfectly in sync between the two versions, and that this frame is only in the 4K. I left this one in, too: https://imgur.com/uMOEu7i
  • During the Chapter 4 title card is where the two versions differ in sync significantly. The Blu-ray version (and therefore this version) is quite a bit longer than the Russian 4K. In addition, the fade in from black after the title card is missing its first frame in the Russian 4K version, so i’ve simply added one more black frame there. In case you’re thinking some awesome frame of Tarantino goodness is now missing, don’t worry, it looks like this: https://imgur.com/w1ID7Ht
  • If you look closely at the above frame, you’ll see a tiny little dot toward the center of the screen. That’s a lantern, here’s what a few frames later looks like: https://imgur.com/YJ8vDXe
  • The first frame after the Chapter 5 title card was duplicated on the Blu-ray. There was an extra black frame in the 4K. I guessed that the black frame, rather than the duplication, was correct, so I went with that.
  • A few select shots in Chapter 5 feature burned in subtitles. I have replaced those shots with the matching shots from the Blu-ray. In the future, I’d like to Color Match these shots to the shots from the 4K version, but for now, they are copied directly. Here are the Russian shots, followed by the English shots. The first is this outdoor shot: https://imgur.com/fgtNGOI https://imgur.com/wnDDSJ1
  • The there's this quick dialogue sequence: https://imgur.com/bKBqffj https://imgur.com/nUtIOot
  • The Final Chapter title card is significantly longer in the Russian 4K version. I’ve cut it down to match the Blu-ray (by simply replacing it, just like the others).

Next project: Stealing Tarantino's 35mm print of the longer Roadshow Cut that they show at The New Beverly and scanning it so we can have the superior cut of the movie Big Grin

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  Releases with theatrical surround-sound?
Posted by: deblock - 2019-01-02, 04:20 AM - Forum: General technical discussions - Replies (8)

Hi, I was wondering which releases have original theatrical surround-sound audio? thanks

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  "Jaws" audio commentary to sync to Blu-ray
Posted by: Beber - 2018-12-31, 09:44 PM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - Replies (17)

Hey, guys.

I found out about this commentary (https://www.podcastone.com/episode/The-R...ara-Knopic) by Mark Reilly from Collider and Dan Murrell from Screen Junkies, accompagnied with their significant others. I watched the movie on my media player with the commentary playing on my PC on the side, and I enjoyed their views on it. Both these guys, who have been part of my daily routine for movie news for years now, are massive fans of the movie: they comment on Spielberg's direction, John Williams' score, meaning of scenes, the mix of genres involved, the structure of the movie, the flawed audio remix and the pan & scan butchering the old home video releases, etc.

So, if any of you audio guys would give it a shot at downloading this commentary and trim the introduction to sync it to the Blu-ray, that would be a cool bonus. They give you a count when they start the movie and you can hear the movie sometimes to check on the sync, so I'm sure for someone with the know-how it will be very simple. They also comment beyond the end credits, so I don't know what could be done there-- either cut it out or let it and depending on the player, maybe it will stop or continue to play without video... I don't know.

Oh, and happy new year!

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  The Thing Regrade
Posted by: Croweyes1121 - 2018-12-30, 08:55 PM - Forum: Released - Replies (20)

A simple regrade of John Carpenter’s The Thing. While certainly revisionist, some felt that Dean Cundey’s color grade for Scream Factory’s 2016 2K scan served the film better than Arrow’s likely-true-to-source grading on their 2017 4K scan. This project seeks to marry the two. Using Arrow’s superior scan as a base, I’m doing a SHOT BY SHOT color regrade to the Scream Factory color grade using Dr. Dre’s fantastic color matching tool by creating custom LUT .cube files for every single shot in the film. I’m up to shot 234 at the moment and am nearly 1/4 of the way through the movie. I’ve also created a custom mask so as to not incorporate the color changes in the letterbox bars as, in a few shots, they were raising the blacks in the bars a tad. I’ll be muxing the finished video product together with the untouched 4.1 70mm audio and releasing as a BD-25 on myspleen.

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  Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) regrade
Posted by: spoRv - 2018-12-30, 01:48 PM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - Replies (5)

Just found out that a German DVD has a different color grade, and took the chance to regrade the HD-DVD (I know, there is UHD-BD around, so what? Wink ) - result is here: http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/126785

I think it's quite nice, deleting that nasty magenta blanket and increasing contrast.


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Posted by: Lanark1027 - 2018-12-28, 04:10 AM - Forum: Presentation - Replies (8)

Hello all,

I'll be honest with you, I discovered this forum through Google while searching for a good quality copy of Journey into Fear (1943). I came across this thread that seems to advertise what I'm looking for. Now, I'm no dummy, so I read the site rules and scanned the Presentation forum to see how it works around here. Hell, I even tried to PM Aluminum Falcon directly to request a copy. But, "No" the System said, "You do not have permission to access this page." Fickle b*tch, that System.

I understand you're not in the habit of handing out download links to strangers. That's okay, because by the time you're through reading this, I hope we won't be strangers any more (cue audience: "Aww"). That's because this is going to be the best damn Presentation post this forum has ever seen (cue audience: "Gasp"). I mean, there's only ten pages of threads in this Presentation forum. That's not a lot of competition. 20 threads per page, but only 13 on the last page. 193 total. And just glance through some of these posts! Super low effort. "Hello, and how do I get stuff?" Pfft. Not by appearing desperate, bud. "Hallo from Germany"  Dodgy Looks like somebody didn't read the rule about posting in English only... It's spelled H-E-L-L-O, am I right guys? I could just go down the line and roast all 193 of these chumps, leave you all in stitches, but even I'll run out of material eventually, and then I could veer into "Rule #3 Violation" territory, and that wouldn't be pretty. These posters don't deserve that kind of abuse. On the other hand, an immediate ban could lead to this post becoming infamous, and therefore solidifying its position in Presentation forum legend. We'll see where it goes, I guess. Strap in, things might get weird.

I'm getting ahead of myself. I was making an introduction. I'm Lanark. My birthday is October 27th. Lanark1027. Now we ain't strangers anymore. Swell, ain't it? Let's get down to business. Journey into Fear. 1943. It's got Orson Welles in it. I need to watch it.

You see, I'm a film buff. And like all film buffs (even the ladies), we get erections at the mere mention of Orson Welles' name. Citizen Kane, anyone? Rosebud=The Sled, dummy. On a film related forum like this, I estimate that by just typing his name I caused eleven erections. That's an erection for every letter in the name Orson Welles. There, I did it again. I'm starting to enjoy this. Is this how a cam girl feels?

Back to the topic at hand. You want something from me in exchange for this movie. I'm already giving you everything I've got, but I'm prepared to give even more. Below you will find a list of my most admirable qualities, most of which I've made abundantly clear in this very post.

-Dashing good looks (not sure if this was clear from the post, or if there's a reflection in my monitor...)
-Unmatched wit (remember when I roasted that German guy? GOT 'IM!)
-Math skills (remember when I calculated the exact number of threads in this forum, without even a calculator? Eat your heart out, Isaac Newton.)
-Movie knowledge (even beyond the filmography of you know who)
-Your friend, and certainly not a stranger.

What I lack are any discernible audio/video skills that may be useful to a film restoration community, even if I do respect the hell out of what they're trying to do.

In conclusion: Greetings Fanres community. I hope you enjoyed my Presentation as much as I enjoyed giving it to you. I'm signing off now, I fully expect that when I sign back in tomorrow my PM box will be full of download links for Journey into Fear (1943), with of course a healthy amount of d*ck pics. I'd expect nothing less from you beautiful bastards.

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