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True Lies HDTV (Film4 HD) Preservation
(2018-01-01, 07:55 PM)CSchmidlapp Wrote:
(2018-01-01, 06:09 PM)Beber Wrote: The 20+ year gap is a fair point. However, the country propably is not relevant as it is a 20th Century Fox movie worldwide. At least it is both in the US and Europe, France being the country where Stamper must have seen it. We're not in the case of a Delicatessen properly taken care of in France and sloppily done in the US as the distributor doesn't want to put money into a proper printing process to keep the look of the original film for a foreign movie that won't make a ton of dollars in the box office anyway.

Universal had the rights in the U.K. No 20th Century in sight on its original run and Video releases here.
Pretty sure it was the same throughout Europe?
Really? In France, I've always seen it with the initial Fox fanfare. Fox Home Video on VHS, then DVD. Always Fox, Fox, Fox...
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Here is the VHS I had.




Sorry for bad writing I'm doing this while looking after a 19 month year old.

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I believed you. The IMDB link is interesting; so okay, not worldwide but at least both in the US and France, and Stamper is French, so he most likely saw it in France.
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If I'm reading that page correctly, UIP had the UK theatrical distribution rights. Guess I need to find a scope version of that logo now...
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I distinctly remember that shot and seeing Arnold's face clearly (the whole point as Beber mentions is to show the star in a big reveal) also the hall scenes weren't that dark. But I'm not complaining that print is awesome Smile
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Is it not the 90s print black crush as always? Would it not be contrast that is the issue?
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I just came from the cinema, we saw a film with a number of night scenes, one in particular lasting about 5 minutes or so that had less visible detail then any of the scenes you saw in the True Lies 35mm scan, a couple of times it was little more then a completely dark cinema screen. That's just how prints are I'm afraid, except for IB Tech prints and also possibly Nitrate.
[Image: sNn6jyF.png] [Image: 0sPZMBH.png]
Thanks given by: dvdmike
zoidberg, Is the project still alive?.

It's very interesting Smile
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Valeyard, not using the correct light for the projector might give this problem.
I have 35mm of the trailers, they look completely clean with deep black, but night shots being totally visible.
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I found a hybrid version made with D-Theater on a German warez and it turned out very worthy, better than the different WEB DL that I have.

[Image: 6b90221330474047.jpg] [Image: 4aae7f1330474036.jpg] [Image: ba72ee1330474037.jpg]
[Image: d2360b1330474049.jpg] [Image: af91111330474039.jpg] [Image: ac83b81330474042.jpg]
[Image: 97c7971330474052.jpg] [Image: ba70e21330474044.jpg] [Image: 9f951d1330474045.jpg]

Comparison with uncircumcised DTheater

[Image: c7ff431330474593.jpg] [Image: 96f5b71330474602.jpg]
[Image: cecff01330474597.jpg] [Image: 5efc211330474603.jpg]
[Image: 3601541330474595.jpg] [Image: 0dbdbd1330474604.jpg]
[Image: fc51211330474592.jpg] [Image: a32c9a1330474781.jpg]

DaVinci Resolve Workflow.

Das D-VHS Tape ist weiterhin die beste Videoquelle, allerdings gibt es einige Schwächen, die ich adressiert habe:
Ordentliches ITVC, damit wieder saubere 23.976 fps rauskommen
D-Theater Logo und FBI Hinweise am Anfang entfernt
Zentriert (D-VHS was off-center mehrheitlich) und korrektes theatrical AR wieder hergestellt.
Angefangen alle Beschädigungen zu entfernen (Staub, Kratzer, Haare, Löcher, schlechte Repair Jobs etc.). Allerdings ist das einfach zu viel Arbeit. Ich müsste da locker 40+ Stunden investieren, und dazu habe ich in meiner Freizeit keine Lust. Ich hab dann den ersten Cleanup Durchgang nach ~15 Minunten Film auch abgebrochen und bin nur noch mal ganz grob drüber.
Entfernung der MPEG2 Kompressions-Artefakte
Edge Enhancement
Kontrast Verbesserungen
Korrekturen bzgl. Sättigung
Custom YRGB Kontrast Kurve
Schadows und Highlights angepasst
Allgemeine Farbkorrektur (Original Look aber bewusst beibehalten)
Spezifische Änderungen in einer paar Szenen
Tom Arnold sieht teilweise aus als hätte er Bluthochdruck, also ein sehr rotes Gesicht. Das ist kein Fehler dieses Releases, das ist so gedreht worden (schlechter Makeup Job?)
Blown Out Highlights sind korrekt. Das Color Timing wurde so von Cameron und seinem DP für mehr Comic Book Look gewünscht. Ist hab's mit dem 35mm Print verglichen. Ist alles korrekt. Bei Cameron beschweren und nicht bei mir.
Ein paar Szenen haben Ghosting in schnellen Bewegungen statt normales Motion Blur. Das ist kein IVTC Fehler. Ich vermute es handelt sich um die Anfänge der digitalen Bildstabilisierung der der 90er (Total Recall hat auch so Szenen). Ich hab's mit dem 35mm Print verglichen, das ist identisch. Also auch kein Fehler von mir.
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