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Beauty and the Beast (1991) original theatrical reconstruction
I'm redoing this post to make it more understandable and because the title was no longer relevant.

I want to recreate BatB with a similar look like on theater in 1991.
For the 2002 Special Edition release, there have been many change.

-Wrong Background at 8min30 and 56min30
-Armchair disapear at 31min23
-Color have changed a lot.

This project will use UHD Blu-ray as a base, as well as different sources, such as Blu-Ray 3D on certain scenes.

Or scenes from the 35mm scan.

The colors will also be reviewed.

BD and UHD do not have colors consistent with the original.
Blu-Ray 3D is the closest version to the original Caps files, but it still received some changes.
The 35mm copy is not "compliant with the original caps files" but I will still use it as a reference since it is close to the experience we had in VHS or LD.
I would use for color reference an average of 50% 3D BD and 50% 35mm.

For the 35mm project, it's on this page:
Beauty and the Beast (1991) 35mm (help needed) (fanrestore.com)

8min30 :
Original Background:

Imax 2002/BD/3D/UHD Background:

Background recreation (from elements on UHD) :

56min30 :
This error is present on UHD and BD, even when viewing in Theatrical Version.
Only the BD 3D doesn't have this problem.

Theatrical 1991 / VHS / LD / BD 3D

LD : 

Imax SE 2002 / DVD / BD / UHD :

BD 3D :

Gaston’s missing chair (31min23):


3D :

Project progress :

• Remade the good background at 0:08:30
-Isolate Belle on all frames of this scene (DONE)
-Recreation of the original background in 4k (WIP) 

• Using the scene at 56min30 from the BD 3D to replace that on UHD
-Expand the space of BD3D (1.66) to get a 1.78 ratio (DONE)

• Replace the armchair (WIP)

• Replace some UHD scenes with 3D BD scenes that have more image (WIP)

• Replace the 3D logo castle opening, for the 80-90's logo castle (WIP)
-Find the best source for the 80-90's logo castle (for the moment, I've found the best on "The Black Cauldron" UHD Web DL)

• Change Color Timing (WIP)
Thanks given by: eldiablosuizo , Kreeep
Wow. Nice! I knew that the colours were altered, but not about any of the actual errors. I'll be sure to keep tabs on this project.
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As for the WDP logo, version 1 was used from Black Cauldron up to TLM while version 2 of the Blue Castle started use in 1990 and have celluloid and CAPS digital versions. Since BATB was CAPS I say the one from Mulan UHD would be the best match.
Thanks given by: framemaster
(2023-07-12, 08:44 AM)SpaceBlackKnight Wrote: As for the WDP logo, version 1 was used from Black Cauldron up to TLM while version 2 of the Blue Castle started use in 1990 and have celluloid and CAPS digital versions. Since BATB was CAPS I say the one from Mulan UHD would be the best match.

Actually, the first 1990 variant of the Walt Disney Pictures logo was a slower, choppier version that debuted in Ducktales the Movie, Rescuers Down Under, Prince and the Pauper and Fantasia 1990 re-release.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
Beauty and the Beast uses the then-new smoother, refined film version in 1991. 

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

The variant that Mulan uses is the 1994 "videotaped" variant of the logo that debuted from The Lion King. 

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

In the case of the 1985 variant of the Disney logo, it has remained in all prints of The Black Cauldron since 1998. The Little Mermaid uses the original variant only in the 1990 VHS and laserdisc.
[Image: hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwE7CK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAy...m3MgL2ivog]

As it turns out, the original 1985 variant from Oliver and company (not present in all home media and Disney+ prints), was recently rediscovered from a forgotten France VHS 1997 release that was never scanned or digitized. Now it is available online for the first time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XMwyVDFlBQ


 [Image: dhokbuy-22e79a0e-fc34-469d-b683-f7fcd8da...nmbQ07ZG3E]

My current mission is to find any original 1986 35mm film lpp print (that is not a reissue) of The Great Mouse Detective because the 1985 WDP variant it is no where to found in any US and international VHS or DVD release. Disney plastered it with the 1990 variant and the 1994 variant even on Disney. The  sources that i discovered was the closest to contain the the 1985 variant from its rare 35mm screenshot found on sources like Picclick or ebay and original theatrical trailer .
[Image: walt_disney_pictures_logo__great_mouse_d...llview.jpg]

The other closest source is the VHS, DVD and Bluray prints of Flight of the Navigator because the movie was released shortly after Great Mouse Detective in the same year. Great Mouse Detective's variant might be similar to Flight's variant or not.

If anyone around the world has the original 35mm theatrical release prints of Great Mouse Detective, Oliver and company and Little Mermaid, let me know. If you can, scan and digitize the whole 35mm lpps but just post the original logos alone online in UHD/4K.
Thanks given by:
By the way, if you interested to help me with my search journey hear me out.

In the case of the 1985 variant of the Disney logo, it has remained in all prints of The Black Cauldron since 1998. The Little Mermaid uses the original variant only in the 1990 VHS and laserdisc.

As it turns out, the original 1985 variant from Oliver and company (not present in all home media and Disney+ prints), was recently rediscovered from a forgotten France VHS 1997 release that was never scanned or digitized. Now it is available online for the first time.

My current mission is to find any original 1986 35mm film lpp print (that is not a reissue) of The Great Mouse Detective because the 1985 WDP variant it is no where to found in any US and international VHS or DVD release. Disney plastered it with the 1990 variant and the 1994 variant even on Disney. The sources that i discovered was the closest to contain the the 1985 variant from its rare 35mm screenshot found on sources like Picclick or ebay and original theatrical trailer .

The other closest source is the VHS, DVD and Bluray prints of Flight of the Navigator because the movie was released shortly after Great Mouse Detective in the same year. Great Mouse Detective's variant might be similar to Flight's variant or not.

If anyone around the world has the original 35mm theatrical release prints of Great Mouse Detective, Oliver and company and Little Mermaid, let me know. If you can, scan and digitize the whole 35mm lpps but just post the original logos alone online in UHD/4K.
Thanks given by:
Flight of the Navigator as well as Honey I Shrunk the Kids def have it.
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Yes but these are live action films not animated. Like why did they keep it for live action films but not animated ?

(2024-12-11, 11:36 AM)SpaceBlackKnight Wrote: Flight of the Navigator as well as Honey I Shrunk the Kids def have it.
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Most of the non-animated stuff are nowhere near as popular as the Renaissance outings more people know than something like say Benji: Off the Leash. It also explains why the more popular titles continuously get mangled and altered, while the lesser output gets largely ignored and occasionally released as-is.
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