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[Cancelled] Evil Dead Regrade (Japanese Herald Laserdisc)
(2022-07-04, 03:13 AM)The Aluminum Falcon Wrote: Did this survive the hard drive crash @PDB ?

I think I still have it somewhere since its an old project. I think I lost interest in sometime ago so I put it aside. What are you thinking TAF?
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@PDB Oh, I was just totally interested if there was ever a viewable file of this regrade! I suspect that since almost all the early VHSes and LDs run so cold, then Evil Dead likely looked like this on its original release prints. Your original regrade screencaps looked promising and I was interested to see the project, even if you only got as far as the screencaps indicated.

If you were interested in picking this one up and needed someone to help with the project, I'd happy upscale any of the elements that were digitally tweaked in the Blu-Ray master, so they can be reinserted. Topaz (which may be the same upscaler you use) has given me great results with other SD projects.

All this was spurred on since I'm seeing a 35mm screening at the MOMA this month. Fingers crossed it is NOT a reissue print because I'd really love to get a better idea of how this one looked theatrically. There are quite a few 35mm prints floating around that have the digital changes put from the Blu-Ray and also the exact same color as the Blu-Ray.
Thanks given by: PDB
Is it just me or is the color timing where the uhd blu ray should have leaned towards. The question I like a answer to how was evil dead reimagined’s color timing it’s a different transfer.
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I always lean into watching the LD with a rewatch
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(2023-04-23, 09:07 PM)dvdmike Wrote: I always lean into watching the LD with a rewatch

How’s evil dead reimagined color timing?
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(2023-04-23, 09:09 PM)jedimasterplo Wrote:
(2023-04-23, 09:07 PM)dvdmike Wrote: I always lean into watching the LD with a rewatch

How’s evil dead reimagined color timing?
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(2023-04-23, 09:11 PM)dvdmike Wrote:
(2023-04-23, 09:09 PM)jedimasterplo Wrote:
(2023-04-23, 09:07 PM)dvdmike Wrote: I always lean into watching the LD with a rewatch

How’s evil dead reimagined color timing?
It’s the release they did that had new music and a different 4k scan with supervision from Sam raimi. sadly no official home media release thought maybe you might be one of the few people to see it.
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It never made the UK as far as I am aware, and even as big as a fan as I am, I would have seen it once for comparison.
But I hate revisionist stuff.
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