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Film logo preservation and talk thread
(2020-03-02, 04:37 AM)nafroe Wrote: Not film logo related... but it is pretty interesting to me that the color of the blood on the TLD varies so much between the US and UK prints.

I suspect this has more to do with the CRI value of the bulb, the camera/sensor used to scan it (new Point Grey/Flir machine camera for this one, not the Blackmagic), and/or the render settings rather than the "True" color of the blood on the print. I have noticed that bright reds are often a little orange in our film scans. After Don007 upgraded his light source to one built by Poita, his reds looked much better. Ours still need some adjustment in post.

Keep that in mind for the logo colors too. Just because they're from a primary source, it doesn't mean our scans can be used as an accurate color reference. Certainly they are ballpark correct, but they're not 100% accurate.
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Thanks given by: nafroe
Thanks to my best friend JC, we found the 2004 UIP logo in HD, complete and with sound, AT LAST! This showed up on the US Amazon Video and Itunes versions of an Argentinean movie called Delirium https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3778394/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_13

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-01-02h06m14s115.png]

The UIP collection is now officially complete!!!
Thanks given by: HippieDalek
Nice find! I always liked that one.
Program material is recorded on the other side of this disc...
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Another useful bump, this time it's relates to United Artists yet again.

I discovered that the recent German Capelight 4k UHD and BD of 1975's Rollerball not only uses a brand new 4k restoration in HDR and SDR flavors, but also restores a rarely seen variant of the United Artists Transamerica T logo in 4k! (strangely enough, the 5.1 mixes and German mono had the jingle from the 1990s Marble UA logo while it's silent on the English Mono and Stereo tracks)

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-17-21h41m42s172.png]

I've heard this variant was not only used on other 1973-1975 UA films intermittently with their other logos, but first appeared on 1968's The Thomas Crowne Affair which would make it the first known version of the Transamerica T. Kino's recent Thomas Crowne BD is a 4k restoration, but strangely uses the 1982 Turning UA logo instead of this one.
Thanks given by: captainsolo , HippieDalek , tim_p
That the one I've always seen and associated with 70's era UA. It appeared in slightly different variations but that's what you'd have gotten on most everything back then.

There's no telling what Kino used logowise. The turning UA logo was used on all early UA video releases so it's possible they just used that as a guide which is something they are prone to doing...as they recut their awful GBU master in reference to the 1998 DVD for their "theatrical cut" disc.
Damn Fool Idealistic Crusader
Thanks given by: SpaceBlackKnight
I had discussions with KinoLorberInsider on BD.com, he says on Kino's own scans of their MGM titles they utilize IPs or OCNs and usually those have the original logos intact. Several MGM titles released by Kino with new transfers, such as their recent remastered Thunderbolt and Lightfoot and The Long Riders along with several more, have their original Transamerica T logos intact.

It's possible Kino used the old MGM HD master as a guide for Thomas Crowne, but didn't realize the Turning UA logo wasn't used until 1982! It's also possible (and common) that they used an IP for the opening title sequence as the OCN was textless, and that IP had the later logo attatched and left it on.
Thanks given by: captainsolo
Once again another bump, but it relates to something HippieDalek was looking for previously.

A while back in this thread, he had mentioned Super Mario Bros being a possible source for the rare Entertainment Film Distributors logo going by a low quality YouTube video. Dalek had checked the 2007 UK DVD and that was assumed to have a Pathe/Hollywood Pictures/Lightmotive/Allied Filmmakers logo combo, which was also on the Second Sight Blu and UK ITunes. Another source was possibly the region 2 French or Polish DVDs, since they have Pathe logos on the back cases and were supposedly 25fps PAL with one of them letterboxed and the other 4:3. I had checked DVD5s of those (with Russian audio alongside English) on a Russian tracker, both were 4:3 open matte and have Pathe and Lightmotive/Allied Filmmakers logos so no luck there.

However, after I checked Itunes UK I looked the same movie up on the French Itunes Store. Unlike the Second Sight remastered HD print going around on the UK and Japan Itunes stores, Itunes France was a SD master that was anamorphic widescreen and looked different than the DVD5s I had checked. With the help of my friend, we got on the case and found in-between a combo with Pathe and Lightmotive/Allied Filmmakers:

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-30-00h43m25s218.png]

Good news is it's in slightly better quality than the Youtube Video out there, so now we know it came from despite coming from a French dubbed source. Unfortunately, it's still a weak SD source and the lousy Itunes compression doesn't help matters, but thank god there's no field blended muck to deal with!

OTOH, I had wipped up a 4k remaster with my secret sauce of utilizing SuperResolution, VLC, VidCoder, and Sony Vegas. I also added in the stereo jingle from YT video of the Home Video logo, but had done some Pro Logic processing to extract it to a discrete LRCS configuration and placed it in a 5.1 environment with LFE

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-04-30-00h43m39s122.png]

If you're interested HippieDalek, hit me up a PM
Thanks given by: HippieDalek , CSchmidlapp
Amazing detective work, SpaceBlackKnight! I'll put this to good use in my next Highlander 2 release. I should be getting my hands on the full 35mm scan soon so I'll let you know of any interesting logos I find.
Program material is recorded on the other side of this disc...
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Well, it's been a loooooooong time since I last posted anything here!

So recently, I discovered this rare ABC Pictures logo below off the Kino Lorber Blus of The Grissom Gang, Lovers and Other Strangers, Kotch, Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?, The Last Valley, and Song of Norway (latter two having a scope variant) to name a few.

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-07-10-21h55m29s219.png]

Now I had recently seen the Criterion edition of Straw Dogs, an ABC/Disney owned film. I was expecting ABC Pictures to appear since it was their production, but that edition and the prior MGM Blu-Ray had this Cinerama logo below:

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-07-10-22h02m09s137.png]

And it gets even weirder! I had also seen Kino copies of They Shoot Horses Don't They (in scope), Nightmare in Badham County, Target: Harry, and Jenny. All those have this ABC International logo:

[Image: vlcsnap-2020-07-10-22h05m50s38.png]

According to the CLG Wiki, Cinerama was the distributor for ABC Pictures titles in the US and UK. Cinerama's logo was seen primarily as the ends of the ABC titles they distributed, and were kept as per most of the Kino blus of the above. CLG says the ABC Pictures International logo was only seen on international export copies, but then I heard somewhere ABC International was a rebrand ABC did to their motion picture division in 1974 and pasted that logo onto all new and archived film masters they had.

Now onto my question for those who's seen or specialize in 35/16mm film prints. If anyone has seen 35 or 16mm US prints of Straw Dogs and They Shoot Horse's Don't They, did those have the ABC Pictures logo at the heads and Cinerama at the ends? Or did Straw Dogs and They Shoot Horses indeed originally have the Cinerama logo and ABC International logos respectively at the fronts?
Thanks given by: HippieDalek
Small update: I had found Magnetic Video VHS and LD openings of They Shoot Horse's Don't They that partially confirm my beliefs of what 35mm US prints opened with.

Well... I say partially because the results are weird between such home video releases that were released one year apart from each other. The 1981 Laserdisc has a shortened version of the ABC Pictures Corp logo seen at the top of my prior post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcoQoOeDcZ4

Meanwhile, this other 1980 VHS has uploader cutting it off just when what appears to be a jingle for the ABC logo starts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLheAWJ9GUU

Upon further digging, the music is actually a rare fanfare the ABC Pictures Corp logo used on Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came? https://youtu.be/PzL4oMrbRKs

And Jenny with a white background variant

The Kino Blu of Jenny has a slient ABC Pictures International logo, while KL's BD of STGWNC has the ABC Pictures Corp logo intact but the jingle is strangely absent.

As far as other later video releases goes, the 1996 US LD of TSHDT https://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/07084/835...ed-Edition is like the 1996 Fox VHS in that it has the ABC Pictures International logo and presumably uses the same master the non-anamorphic Anchor Bay DVD and Kino Blu uses. However, LDDB shows a 1991 Japanese LD https://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/52576/PIL...-Dont-They that has a has a mono track (the 1996 LD is stereo, presumably original 4 channel mix) and probably predates the 1995 restoration. May or may not have any logos at all as some of these oddball Japanese releases goes, but who knows.

As for Straw Dogs, the earliest VHS sample I found of the Magentic Video release has the ABC Pictures International logo with fanfare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIQwNxXdOAA

This is presumably a later replacement, but I imagine if the 1981 LD might use a different print as TSHDT does we could get warmer but no one has footage of that release anywhere.

Speaking of Laserdiscs, LDDB shows a 1995 US LD that might be the same master as the first Anchor Bay DVD https://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/07061/0800585/Straw-Dogs, and a 1988 JPN LD https://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/14556/SF0...Straw-Dogs that might be a port of the Magnetic Video Laserdisc master if the analog audio is to go by.

The mystery continues...
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