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[Canceled] Star Trek 2 The Wrath Of Khan Regrade (Paramount Widescreen Laserdisc)
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BD\Regrade to LD
[Image: j96laHF.jpg]
Thanks given by: CSchmidlapp
Looks great!
Thanks given by: PDB
It's looking damn fine PDB Ok

Film Addict    
Thanks given by: PDB
PDB, do you think that sometime in the future that you could regrade the Director's cut of this movie using this same color timing?

I have the Old DVD version of TWOK DC that has a 2.0 mix and the 5.1 mix , that could be synced to a potential regrade!! . this would be a good project for the future!!
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Thanks Frank and Doombot

(2018-10-27, 08:17 PM)dwalkerdon Wrote: PDB, do you think that sometime in the future that you could regrade the Director's cut of this movie using this same color timing?

I have the Old DVD version of TWOK DC that has a 2.0 mix and the 5.1 mix , that could be synced to a potential regrade!! . this would be a good project for the future!!

I’m not going to rule anything out but no DC anytime soon. Got too many other projects I want to work on first.
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(2018-10-28, 02:58 PM)PDB Wrote: I’m not going to rule anything out but no DC anytime soon. Got too many other projects I want to work on first.

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Small update, the video regrade is done. Rendering out a test video now. So this might be ready by next week.

I also am probably going to kick the Dolby Digital True 7.1 down to the core Dolby Digital 5.1. It's probably a better representation of ST2's soundtrack over the further remixed 7.1 and those extra bits can be put towards the video.

BTW, the BD is a very, very good master. Even though the official video is very dark, there is still a ton of latitude to work with. Much better then MM3 or Flash.
Thanks given by: applesandrice
And since I'm posting pics, here is the current test file for ST2:

[Image: ZU5Oo5f.jpg]

One thing I found odd about the LD: when watching the Genesis presentation, the CGI "side panels" keep changing colors with the grade. On the BD the color is consistent. So I just took the best average of shots from the LD and used that so the panels are consistent.
Thanks given by: applesandrice
Seems really good! Ok
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Holy cow -- you're keeping busy! Smile Keep up the fantastic work, my friend!
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