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(2019-01-22, 09:46 AM)Stamper Wrote: Update:
- German Mono Mix from early German DVD (35mm print scan)
Great work so far.
I think this one will be the hardest work of all the DVD mono mixes.
German DVD seems to be, apart from the missing Scene, also an compete individual Scan/Master.
You see burning marks on the reel changes.
It also was released on LaserDisc in Germany.
So be aware of jump-cuts.
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Mhm... Maybe someone has the LD and can record the audio newly?
On a side note. I stumbled upon a Russian (bootleg?) BD release of Terminator, that ticks my curiosity. I found a backside shot of the BD:
I cannot reaally read most of it, but I noticed the 2.4:1 aspect ratio declaration, the 3D BD Logo on the bottom, and that the credits are the ones of the first terminator...
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(2019-01-22, 02:21 PM)Stamper Wrote: If someone does a new rip of the Image LD
This one?
Matte or glossy cover?
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(2019-01-22, 02:40 PM)Stamper Wrote: Could you cap it with the pic?
Got the chance to cap only audio, sorry... if you need it, let me know, I'll manage to do it ASAP - read: few days!
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(2019-01-22, 02:21 PM)Stamper Wrote: Weird Sleeve! ...
Well. I found one for sell. It should arive in february. 
I am very curious.
I think it either is just not 2.40:1 and not 3D, but normal 1.85:1 ind 2D.
Also, it may NOT Terminator 1, instead Terminator Genesys.
I will see and report, when/if the disc arives.
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Thanks for the update.
Too bad the japanese did not make a better work on their tracks, to make them easy to blend with other languages.
It is sad that Japan seems to be the only country so far, that even got anything near to a surround track with original shootng sounds.
Well, I still Held some hope that either somewhere on the world some country my do their unique own work, ad Japan did.
Or maybe that someday in the fuure some Company does a(n U)HD Release with original mono, and surround with unaltered soundbits.
Seems a bit, as if some of the companies start to realise that there is a market for such efforts.
Next time I am home, where my DVDs and LDs are, I can check which Terminator LD's I have, and if there is one, that I should try to grab. I just can do analog up-to-stereo recording with my equipement, if it still works. I had some Troubles lately with the devices.
I think an "ultimate" collection of Audio Tracks never is really complete, as Long as there is always the possibility to add anything.
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2019-01-24, 05:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 2019-01-24, 08:57 PM by MrBrown.)
(2019-01-21, 05:23 PM)Stamper Wrote: ...
BTW did anyone successfully rip the T2 Squeeze LD mono mix from Japan? Cos we need that mono mix to match the first!
spoRv ripped the squeezed LD, I will check out if I can upload, what he sent me.
Okay, I have some problems with the files.
1.: They are damn big. 
There are three sides, and I have two files of each side.
Smaller one about 4-9 gb
Bigger one about 14 gb (3rd side) and 28-29gb (1st and 2nd side)
2.: I do not want to encode anything out.
both rips have a 2 channel pcm audio stream, according to my software, but the one that is said to contain the ac3 audio doesn't "play" well with my software players.
I assume that the ac3 stream is somehow encoded in that, what the software detects as pcm.
I have no idea how to decode or work with that, and I cannot upload that big files, atm.
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Is this the 5.1 mix? Or the mono mix? If this is a problem, I can paypal you for shipping + discs burning (on Blu-rays as data), then on my own I can process the audio.
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(2019-01-24, 10:08 PM)Stamper Wrote: Is this the 5.1 mix? Or the mono mix? If this is a problem, I can paypal you for shipping + discs burning (on Blu-rays as data), then on my own I can process the audio.
It is the surround mix...
I can capture the Mono myself when I have time at home where my LDs are.
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That surround was very agressive if I remember well. Yes, mono would be intersting to sync.