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Batman 1989 4K
I just compared both Blu-rays of Batman Returns: a minus-4-frame (-167 ms) delay will suffice to remux the old BD tracks to the remastered one. I haven't compared the UHD yet.

[Image: LyvAY.jpg]
Thanks given by: dvdmike , FreaQ , Turisu
I've received new bit perfect rips of Batman and Batman Returns from PDB, new 44.1 syncs will be coming soon.
I hadn't seen the movie in a few years before grabbing the UHD, but even then I knew something was off with the sound. Happy to hear the LD tracks sync with it as I Remux my stuff and put on my server anyway.

That being said, I don't think the new sounds are bad, but they're just not the same so they have to go lol
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Progress on the Batman LD sync is slow but steady. I've completed the first 35 minutes (up until the Joker takes off his bandages), but it's been a battle so far. The two are cut pretty differently with 2 frame differences on the beginning and end of a lot of shots. Anyway, should have some more time tomorrow to work on it. I'm hoping to knock out the first hour this weekend at least.
Thanks given by: crampedmisfit1990 , Setzer , Turisu , RivalScenes
Made some more progress today, but still inching along. Worked on it for several hours and completed about 20 more minutes putting it up to 53 minutes now. I'm on side 2 of 3 of the laserdisc so its starting to get there. I might take a break on it and finish up the Twin Peaks pilot so I don't burn myself out on it haha

Edit: I did work on Twin Peaks but managed to complete another 9 minutes (hit an easy patch!), so I'm up to the Museum scene around 62 minutes. I stopped right before the Prince song, hopefully it will be easy Big Grin
Looks like iTunes finally updated the sound mix to the new remaster the old mix still remains on YouTube Movies though.
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I made some more progress with the LD sync the past couple days (in addition to finishing Twin Peaks!). 85 minutes is now completed, putting it over the 2/3 mark. Hopefully won't be too much longer, but I'm not looking forward to the finale. The action scenes have taken most of the time so far, and its a long one Big Grin
Thanks given by: RivalScenes , crampedmisfit1990 , Turisu , Setzer
On the final side now with 100 minutes completed. The end is in sight!
It's done! Participating members please feel free to send a PM

I will be doing Batman Returns coming up also btw, but I think I need a little breather after that one Big Grin
Hi, I just ripped my remastered Blu-ray as well as the original release into mkv file and the difference is night and day. I had mux the original 5.1 audio to the 4K remaster Blu-ray, The results are phenomenal, tho still like to get my hands on LD audio.
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