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[Proposal] Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (1991) - Theatrical Cut
Just caught a few minutes of it airing on BBC One here in the UK. It is the theatrical cut, and just from those few minutes, It looks better than the Blu Ray, that is for certain.

I unfortunately have no way of rewinding, so I can't capture it. Pretty pissed off as I would love a decent looking copy, finally Sad

They stopped showing on Christmas Day years ago, so I stopped keeping track. I know Channel 5 would show it occasionally, but it was the shitty Extended Cut, with bad image quality.

Hope someone was able to catch this today.

EDIT: Will's (Christian Slater) "Fuck me, he cleared it" was cut, though. I remember when the TC would air many, many years ago and would play the line, but replace 'Fuck' with 'blimey'.
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It's still viewable on iPlayer, albeit with the BBC bug in the top left. TV apps will probably give you 1080p, but the web player maddeningly tops out at 720p, even in 2021.
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Yeah, low bitrate too. That's a dealbreaker. Rather take the interlaced mpeg2 stream over that, any day.
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I've got the LD if a capture of that would be useful. I didn't make my way through this whole post, so I apologize if it has already been addressed. Smile
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I don't really get the hate for the DC, and it's the only version I rewatched since the DVD days, but I'd love to watch the TC again. An official release with seamless branching would be nice, but a fan edit will of course do good. :-)
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I've seen some screenshots of the CultFilms Ultimate Edition release. I'd swear it might even be an upscale.
The screenies aren't mine, so PM me if interested in seeing them.
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I have good news! the Theatrical Cut of Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves is on Tubitv in prisitine quality. If anyone knows how to capture encrypted streams, give it a shot!

Thanks given by: dvdmike
Wow, I just ripped Arena from Tubi yesterday. My first attempt at getting anything from their site. Will post screen shot comparisons later...

Edit 3: 720p max resolution and more serious DRM. It's above my pay grade.
Thanks given by: dwalkerdon , dvdmike
I was checking out Wikipedia tonight regarding the extended cut and they have this:
Quote:Mortianna instructs Nottingham to remove the tongue of John Tordoff's scribe, forcing him to communicate via chalkboard in subsequent scenes. Nottingham only pretends he removed the tongue, and the Scribe later provides spoken directions to Robin and Azeem as they rescue Marian.
Has anyone ever seen evidence that Nottingham PRETENDED to remove John's tongue or is that people trying to cover for a continuity error?
Thanks given by: PDB
I know it's just a screengrab from iTunes on a PC, but I'd say it looks just as bad when I view it on my Apple TV 4K
[Image: Robin-Hood-US-i-Tunes.jpg]
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