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[proposal] Robocop - Theatrical Cut
Both cuts as well as the TV edit will be on the upcoming Arrow release.

Thanks given by: dvdmike , applesandrice
Never got back to it due to work, but I think I'll now wait until the new release, and see then if any sync is needed.
Thanks given by: crissrudd4554
the press release said that the Original lossless Stereo Mixes as well as the four channel mixes are being included on both cuts
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That is awesome Smile
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Only thing that's missing now is the Criterion Audio Commentary
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(2019-08-31, 08:33 PM)dwalkerdon Wrote: the press release said that the Original lossless Stereo Mixes as well as the four channel mixes are being included on both cuts

Yeah just saw that!!!
great news..

Plus the steelbook has the original artwork!

Just hope they have fixed the image quality of the added scenes in the director's cut...and it will be a perfect release!
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(2019-09-02, 12:29 PM)alleycat Wrote: Only thing that's missing now is the Criterion Audio Commentary

And some of the documentaries. Flesh and Steel for example isn’t included.
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It's on the past disc we already have. Smile
Thanks given by: crissrudd4554

Quote:Got the theatrical cut playing, when it gets to Murphy's execution the theatrical inserts take a noticeable (to me ) dip in quality, looks like they really were just taken from an older transfer as they look softer and more pinkier-hued. It's a shame because, as the booklet sez, the movie's negative is conformed to the theatrical cut so when MGM did this 4K remaster they literally had to scan this exact version first. I get that the DC is Verhoeven's preferred version but they had the theatrical stuff right there and newly scanned by default in 2013, why ignore those bits when it would've cost a fraction more to complete the theatrical cut too? Gah.

So, in a twist of fate that Jeff Hardy would be proud of, Murphy's death scene jumps around in quality both cuts of the film. Hell, the grotty unrated stuff now actually blends slightly better than the theatrical footage because it was at least freshly transferred at the time so the grain is still nice and sharp, whereas it's softer and smudgier on the theatrical inserts. [edit] Gamma's still fooked in the unrated Murphy killing footage, mind you.

So I checked out the new release. Awesome all around, it's the 4K remaster but this time including the complete Theatrical Cut remastered, it also as the 4.0 and 2.0 tracks.

The mastering is too bright, it lacks contrast, nothing you can't fix directly on your TV settings. But there is that problem mentioned above by a poster on the Blu forum.

I would have a suggestion, supposing the TC on the retired Sony disc matches the new Arrow version as in all the frames being there, I would just sync the Sony image to the Arrow one. That way people can sync the audio from the Arrow to the Sony and call it a day because the Sony is the last time anyone will ever see the TC un-tampered.

Then people can mux all the tracks they want from the new, to the old one, including dubs etc.
Thanks given by: crissrudd4554
More from the same guy on the forum

Quote:Ooooh, there are still differences with the audio in the unrated Murphy death scene between the separate audio options on the disc. When they blow the rest of Murphy's arm off and then start pumping more rounds into him, on the 2.0 and 5.1 he starts screaming a fraction earlier which then 'breaks' and another scream starts when it cuts to Lewis, but on the 4.0 mix he starts screaming a bit later which carries over onto the shot of Lewis and continues into the next shot of the firing squad, whereas when it cuts back to them on the 2.0 and 5.1 we hear the agonised 'ooh' 'ahh' screams from Murphy, which are then repeated several times. But because the 4.0 starts those 'ooh's and 'ahh's later then there's less repetition of them in that mix. A few seconds later, when Lewis comes down the stairs and looks through the chain link at the goons, Murphy's screaming is differently edited: on the 2.0 and 5.1 he screams continously while on the 4.0 the scream tails off and then he starts again.

A word(s) about the video encoding on the Arrow: this is the same underlying 4K master (unrated footage aside) as the previous 2014 Blu-ray, right, but the grain is defined even betterer on the Fidelity in Motion™ encode than it is on the Fox/MGM disc, and not in a harshly 'digital' looking way like on Shout's newest Big Trouble in Little China vs the Arrow. No, on the RoboArrow the grain looks beautiful and bountiful and sharp but natural with it. I've gotta say, I would still buy a 4K UHD in a heartbeat but if we never got an actual 4K release then I'd be fine with that, as this Arrow edition is the best possible representation of the film in 1080p SDR you're ever gonna see.
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