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Looking for "The Terminator" (1984) theatrical color grading [FOUND]
What an excellent find! Ok
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Wow that is blue!
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I have some 35mm cells of T2 which definitely have the blue/purple tint to them. It will be interesting to see how the 3D release will be colour timed.
Thanks given by: Stamper
There are still eBay listings for T2 cells. He has listed so many I think he's got the whole film
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Over on the Blu-ray forum when it was all kicking off over the newly remastered blu ray a fellow called Torsten Kaiser wrote a number of detailed posts about the colour timing of the new Blu ray. Torsten Kaiser is the Technical Director of TLE Films which is a film preservation/restoration company. Here's a link to one of the posts, many of you have read it already I'm sure:


Basically he says what most of us tend to think, that this release is the closest yet to the theatrical look but not quite perfect. He mentions the two main techniques of colour timing, global and colour/shade specific (ie emphasis). I don't claim to understand 100% what he means but what I think that he is saying is there are times when instead of, for example, increasing the amount of green present in a shot, green is applied to the whole image. At the foot of his post he posted some comparison images but they no longer exist. Did anyone catch them at the time?
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(2017-04-02, 09:12 PM)Stamper Wrote: I guess the fan restoration tests aren't that far off (I think they're in a thread here somewhere).

Do you mean my project?

(2017-04-05, 01:59 AM)zoidberg Wrote: Over on the Blu-ray forum when it was all kicking off over the newly remastered blu ray a fellow called Torsten Kaiser wrote a number of detailed posts about the colour timing of the new Blu ray. Torsten Kaiser is the Technical Director of TLE Films which is a film preservation/restoration company. Here's a link to one of the posts, many of you have read it already I'm sure:


Basically he says what most of us tend to think, that this release is the closest yet to the theatrical look but not quite perfect. He mentions the two main techniques of colour timing, global and colour/shade specific (ie emphasis). I don't claim to understand 100% what he means but what I think that he is saying is there are times when instead of, for example, increasing the amount of green present in a shot, green is applied to the whole image. At the foot of his post he posted some comparison images but they no longer exist. Did anyone catch them at the time?

Thanks for posting that, very interesting read.

Torsten Kaiser has come up before on this forum. Particularly concerning, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly and the Dark Knight. He is the real deal.
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Did he have anything to say about the yellow tone that appears in the restoration of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, which was allegedly director Sergio Leone's intent (as I believe myself)?
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Here's some comparison between Blu Ray (I believe in the kk650's regrade), Laserdisc and DVD.

[Image: Terminator_BRvs_LDvs_DVD.png]image share
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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I must post pictures of the (admittedly) many editions of Terminator I have across the VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray formats at some point.
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Now, I don't have the Blu Ray yet, only kk650's regraded version (which was done to his personal taste if I recall correctly) but I see that, brightness/constrast aside, Laserdisc and the first German DVD seem to have the same color timing. More clues about the theatrical look? Who knows!
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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