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[Canceled] Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (IMAX Recreation)

As you can see from my Premiere Expanding thread I have managed to pick up on alot of advice from TomArrow in regards to masking the duplicate subs.

Have managed to remove the Dubai sub as the blue sky is virtually the same in the frames before it comes on so managed to repeat the sequence a few times and use it as a mask in Premiere and thankfully it worked so no longer need that one.

The film titles weren't so successful as the bluray doesn't mask the very bottom of them so have ended up with a small black bar so really need the hdtv (or just the clip from the credits) to get rid of them.

Are there any links to the hdtv available, or can anyone point me in the right direction.
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Found a CZ 720p hdtv which I upscaled the film credit's but the quality really isn't good enough, could clearly see the mask so await PDB giving me the FXX clip.
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Give me a few days to get it together, I'm having a rough week at work.
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PDB, no worries, just was trying to save you the bother. At least I got the Dubai Duplicate done and looks perfect. If it wasn't for the bluray not going low enough the film titles would be perfect as well, fact is in the scene just before it is right near the bottom of the Open Matte frame where as in the credits its bang center middle of it. The CZ hdtv was quite poor and the colour / brightness totally different, you can really see the outline.


[Image: CHBjoZW.jpg]

Film Title with Bluray Overlay leaving black bar at bottom:

[Image: U3KXoEz.jpg]
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@X5gb If you are still interested in doing that thing with the lossless splicing together of open matte etc., I have good news for you. I successfully tested TMPGEnc Smart Renderer 5 for syncing and splicing together various video sources (with same resolution) and it works pretty well! It only reencodes at the cut marks and is frame-accurate.
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Thanks for the advice, TomArrow, but managed to achieve the same using VideoRedo and clips from Premiere for expanding frame during Credits and Burg Window, remove German duplicate subs (all fixed now), flip part of car sequence due to been incorrectly reversed on Open Matte etc. Only problem is even though its frame matched to Bluray exactly, the sync was off due to the smart edits and even though I have got it very close it's still not dead on (If your good at syncing 100% and want to try and match it please pm me). Decided to do everything again directly in Premiere, export lossless and encoded the result with high bitrate x264 using Simple X264 Encoder and everything is now in sync. Am experimenting with trying to add the Open Matte bits top and bottom from the short Imax docu (quality is poor on Youtube one, do you know if that docu is on the bluray, if it is I'll dig it out from my collection as at moment using my own remux with custom DTS-HD) to the beginning of the Burg window scene (using 2.35:1) as its cropped on the Open Matte for first min or so. At the moment using bluray 2.35:1 for the first minute as he walks to window and using a mixture of slow zooming in and expanding frame before switching to WEB-DL Open Matte to try and replicate theater Imax version but as the full Open Matte doesn't occur until Ethan looks down at the other buildings it still opens on cropped image. Hence, if I can try and match the docu footage to the bluray and overlay it I can replicate the theater version even better than in its present state.
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Yes, I remember you saying the sync was off with VideoRedo, that's why I recommended this software. Smile I was able to achieve a frame-accurate sync of Empire Strikes Back Grindhouse to the GOUT with it. (made a separate thread)

Personally, I have my own projects atm, so I won't be offering my help unfortunately.
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No worries, the x264 encoded one is perfectly in sync so not an issue. The reason it is out of sync with the Videoredo one is because I am using two different sources which have slightly different color attributes (color space), same resolution (if I re-encode everything directly in Videoredo it is in sync but the quality is not as good as using Simple X264 encoder from lossless render out of Premiere) . Using Tsmuxer to demux the resulting mkv shows these errors at the cut points. When I edit only using the same source they are always in sync, The Terminator Open Matte I managed to sync perfectly with Team Blu release using Videoredo. I assume you only used one source when bringing ESB in sync with Gout using TMPGenc. Have you frame synced anything using multiple sources with TMPGenc. I had a look at that program a while back but found Videoredo was alot easier to use, may have a look again shortly.
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I tried adding together two different sources and it definitely worked (unlike joining them with mp4box or the likes), but tbh I can't attest for sync accuracy with two different sources, as I haven't tested it yet.

That said, for the ESB sync I did splice in a second video source (an x264 encode of the looped frames) for those looped frames and it still worked out like a charm.

I'm planning on doing a similar project to this (splicing in Open Matte shots), but for another movie. I guess I'll just let you know if it works out when I find the time to do it. Smile
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Yea, I'm thinking of attempting another one, Minority Report, which is alot more work than MIGP. I find the smart render is ok as long as its only one source, as soon as it is two different sources like bluray and WEB-DL where there could be differences outside of the same resolution, usually color space, the sync seems to suffer,. Had the same with Top Gun. Again used Premiere lossless render and Simple x264, no problem. Now this wouldn't be a problem if I was good at syncing but can never seem to get it spot on.
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