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[Canceled] Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (IMAX Recreation)
Okay, I tested it. Sadly it says the two clips are not compatible. Not sure why. It offers to reencode only the Open Matte. I wrote to support about it, let's see what comes of it.
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Could be the Sound that is causing the issue, I assume the bluray you downloaded had the original TrueHD rather than the custom DTS-HD MA (which mine has) where as the WEB-DL has vanilla DTS. Or it could be the level difference. Is the bluray in mkv container, if not, try that.

Videoredo has no problem with loading both together as long as the bluray is converted to mkv container (as Videoredo doesn't always like DTS-HD in m2ts container).

I still think these AMZN WEB-DL's are messed up somehow. Even after running it through tsmuxer to fix the bad sei and change the level from 4.0 to 4.1 it still causes problems. I ran it through Ts Doctor after putting the resultant videoredo edited file in ts container and the report still showed warning's of change of resolution at the cut points due to level difference. I had similar with the Terminator Open Matte WEB-DL at the cut points (to sync to Team Blu) and it stutters and jumps if I put it into a bluray structure but thankfully as I'm not mixing it with another file it stays in sync in mkv container.

I was in the process of editing the x264 encoded one (Open Matte and effects scenes) into the untouched bluray with Videoredo to see if that stays in sync which as it is encoded as 4.1 bluray compliant should work (and at least the bluray WS sections will be untouched) but during the process noticed I accidently missed a short Open Matte scene in my edited Premiere export (which my Videoredo joiner project includes) so am now having to re-export (to lagarith avi) and encode to x264 (which will take another day and a half). At least this process enlightened me to to this oversight. I will then continue to finish editing the Open Matte and effects shots into the untouched bluray,
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Really weird. The colorspace shouldn't really be an issue, as most players assume Rec709 anyway afaik. Even so, it would not be that hard to just ignore it I think.

Curious what they will reply. I sent them the MediaInfos of both clips.

Edit: What may also be of interest - I tried adding two clips into the timeline which were both AMZN WEB-DLs. It showed them as compatible with each other.
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I think the way these WEB-DL's are encoded is slightly unusual and this is causing the issue when you try to mux them directly with a Bluray encode. Of course, as you said, muxing two WEB-DL's will work as they are encoded the same. At least Videoredo will allow you to mux both them into mkv perfectly without stutter, just the sync issue is the problem. If I was someone who could sync correctly this wouldn't be an issue, but whatever I try I never seem to get it dead on, even though its like only 6 / 7 frames difference and stays the same throughout. I can't even use audacity to try and match the waveforms as the resultant Videredo file sound is completely messed up due to the edits and goes silent almost immediately.
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Even the re-encoded web-dl muxed with the untouched bluray is still out of sync. Will have to stick with the totally recoded one (Premiere Lossless Lagarith and Simple x264 high bit rate and totally in sync) until I can find someone who is willing to help sync the smart rendered one accurately.

TomArrow, have you heard back from support at Tmpgenc yet in regards to sm 5.
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I see someone has posted an attempt at a hybrid over on one of the Rus teackers but has failed to either remove the duplicate title and location German subs, made no attempt to recreate the expanding frame for both credits / Burg window or fix the incorrectly reversed shot of Ethan on the side of the BMW X3. Think i'll obviously stick with my own version.
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Yeah they wrote back. Apparently there are more things that can cause compatibility problems, like slice, chroma offset (whatever that is) etc. I requested whether they can add a feature to show what exactly is causing the issue and was told they would forward it to user suggestions.

So, all in all, I would say the most lossless option atm is to either do your own encode of the open matte and mux it in, or to let it automatically reencode those parts (Smart Renderer). First option offers a bit more control over encoding settings, so it's probably better, though Smart Renderer says it uses x264 too (but offers no details). I'll also ask them if they can allow command line parameters for x264, that would make things A LOT more comfortable.

I'm pretty sure if I render it out it will be in sync, but I have no time and hard drive space to try right now. Will do it eventually tho and let you know. Am surprised it didn't work with VideoRedo!
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Already tried my own encode of web-dl with untouched bluray but still out of sync and as said Videoredo doesn't have any problem muxing untouched web-dl and bluray perfectly except for the fact it is out of sync, all it needs is someone to sync it which I've tried with a delay of between 292 and 334ms but can't seem to nail it down. Hopefully someone on this forum with magic syncing skills can pipe in and help out.
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I know, I remember. My gut feeling tells me that Smart Renderer won't have the sync issues though. Call me crazy. Wink
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I’m so happy to see this project get revived!

I did have a suggestion for it; the IMAX 70mm run of MI4 debuted with the prologue sequence for The Dark Knight Rises. This prologue sequence was different in a few ways from the final cut released a few months later. The major one is that all of Bane’s dialogue, save for one line, was completely redubbed. There was also a montage of clips at the end of the sequence, some of which used alternate takes, and shortened opening logos. Other than this prologue there were no other previews shown, and the movie began after the IMAX intro (I can’t remember if that intro was open matte or shortened).
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