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We Are The Walking Dead (Mini-Series) FANedit
Little status update:
I will be ready to author the BD for part I and release it very soon. Thanx to Andrea for helping provide the Italian translation and Jedeitor for supplying the Spanish translation of the subtitles! Smile
I was going to include Polish subtitles too but deleted the file by accident and didn't realize it until it was too late to recover and I honestly don't feel like translating it againSad
The total runtime of season 02 (including intros and end credits) is 9 hours and 39 minutes. After cutting all the stuff I definitely wanna get rid of and re-arranging a few scenes, BEFORE detailed cutting and editing; I have managed to cut the runtime down to 3 hours and 27 minutes. Granted, this is still way too long but it's a great start. I should be able to get it down below 3 hours pretty easily but after that it's gonna start to get tricky where I'm starting to "compress" things down too much and the storyline starts to fall apart if I'm not careful.
When I originally started editing part I it had around a 3 hour runtime too before everything was finalized at 2 hours 9 minutes. Can I shorten part II more than it is now? Yeah but I don't think I'll be able to shorten it that much. It's funny because I forgot how much good footage was actually there amongst all the boring farm stuff.
I'm expecting to have a very rough workprint put together within the next week or two and am hoping that there will be volunteers again to help preview it and provide feedbackWink
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I kind of hate season 2, mainly because of the filler scenes, but also because I was reading the comics at the time (I also left them long ago) and there they arrive to the farm and leave in 4 or 5 pages. I remember watching episode after episode hoping that they left the farm to go to the prison and, well, you can imagine how disappointed I was.

The whole season 2, in fact, is a huge filler scene.

I guess there are some nice parts, but I think it can end up to be shorter than the first one.
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I don't necessarily hate season 02, but it was my least favorite. However, there is actually a decent story-line there once you trim it all down. I think you might be pleasantly surprised, as was I once I started working on itWink

I am having some difficulty assembling some of the scenes due to music, but slowly some of it is coming together. To me, it's kind of fascinating how different editing of footage can create entirely different experiences of the show. I'm having fun playing around with re-arranging certain scenes and learning to overcome some of the technical problems that arise from doing this. I just finished editing the entire sequence of Shane and Otis going to the High School that's over-run by walkers. I still have a couple of audio issues to contend with, but that entire sequence is actually pretty intense. It doesn't seem like it much in the show because of the way we just see snippets of scenes, back and forth altering between different characters. Maybe that's why I'm reaching the conclusion that season 02 wasn't actually that bad, once some of the scenes are "restored" back to "full" sequences they are pretty sweet.

Last night I edited together the entire "well walker" sequence and the entire sequence of Rick and Glen getting Herschel at the bar, all the way to Rick ripping Randall's leg of the fence when they leave back for the farm. Both scenes, now that they are "re-assembled" are actually some exceptional film-making and acting. In particular, the "abridged" version (that I want to use in this cut) of the conversation between Rick and Herschel when they first get to the bar.

I realize that I need to actually author Part I and I intend to do that ASAP, but I'm now having a lot of fun (and kind of feel in "the zone") editing part II and looking forward to posting the workprint. With the way the editing is going, I will have a very rough cut, with missing frames, mistimed cropping, audio glitches, audio that still needs to be re-worked due to dialog "bleed," unfinished copy done by the end of the week. I will then encode it, author Part I, and release both. Really looking forward to some feedback.

For now, I'm going back to editing... working on the entire sequence with Rick, Shane, and Randall where Shane tries to kill Rick with a wrench and then Shane winds up in that school bus surrounded by walkersWink
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I want to watch it and see which parts could still be left out. Smile
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I'm sure you'll have a few suggestions and, in fact, I'm looking forward to your inputWink
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So as I'm working on this, I have realized that I might need to alter my "original" concept a little bit. No matter how I try to re-cut the footage of season 02, keeping in mind that the footage has to make sense, MAINTAIN a storyline AND a continuity, there is NO way to trim it down below 3(!) hours.

Now I'm sure that some, especially jedeitor, will have suggestions of things that can be further cut down and while it's true that SOME scenes might be able to be cut or recut, most of them not only contain plot-lines that will cause the story to start falling apart if missing but also... well, scene A leads to scene B leads to scene C, where if I cut scene B (this is just a rough example) scene A will seem slightly incomplete and scene C seems abrupt and will be referencing scene B in a way that can't be cut from the dialog without it seeming like snippets of a scene. Furthermore, cutting scene B would affect scene F (for example) down the line...

I discovered this when I tried to make it look like Rick left Shane in that school bus and just left with Randy but this created problems because Shane and Randy are referenced a LOT all the way to the last couple of minutes of the season and it would never be explained what happened to Randy [since Shane is the one that kills him] and it became nearly impossible to find a "start point" for the walker herd coming to the farm. Not only that, but cutting that would also affect the scene of Dale dying, since we see Shane in that scene [with no way to crop him out because he stands right by and behind Rick] and if I cut the scene of Dale dying then the audience is left wondering "What the f*ck happened to Dale?"... so I'm having to be VERY careful what gets cut and where.

This got me to thinking, "if season 02 (being so much longer than season 01) is this difficult to cut down, how will the following seasons measure up?" So I threw season 03 on a project timeline in vegas and cut out all of the things I definitely will not want. There's over 4 hours of footage there, that once I start editing down will probably be around 3 hours again. Who is going to want to sit there for movies that are that long?? Hmmm....

The runtimes of Seasons 01-05 are:
Season 01 - 4 hours 52 minutes
Season 02 - 9 hours 38 minutes
Season 03 - 11 hours 28 minutes
Season 04 - 11 hours 37 minutes
Season 05 - 12 hours 6 minutes

And then... I had a "Eureka!" moment Big Grin

The "pilot" episodes of many series are usually longer than all the subsequent episodes afterwards and this will be the case here too. I managed to cut season 01 (my pilot for WATWD) to 2 hours 9 minutes and I'm thinking that every subsequent "episode" (STILL in MOVIE-format) should be around 90-100 minutes MAX. This way, instead of having a bunch of long 3+ hour "episodes" I can have something a lot more manageable. So starting with season 02 and moving forward, every part will have a "sub-part" of "A" and "B" (i.e. Part IIa and Part IIb, Part IIIa and Part IIIb, etc. - might have to get rid of roman numerals here to make it easy for people to find, so Part 2a and Part 2b, etc.)

If there was alternate footage I could use to "bridge" some of the "gaps" that would be created by cutting down (or completely cutting out) certain scenes, then I wouldn't have this problem but I can ONLY use what is available. I'm hoping that this decision will not affect people's interest in the project, but I think that it's more important for me to make sure that everything retains a story-line and continuity more than just trying to "force" footage into the "original" format I wanted for the sake of each season being an individual film. It would just end up being a mess of cool scenes that have no storyline and everyone (including myself) would loose interest really fast.

I still plan on doing the initial editing of each season into a single movie format and then finding the "best" half-way mark to split the "single movie" into two parts as I'm not sure exactly where each season will need to be split.

On side-note: I have noticed that since I have started posting about "Part II" there have been very little views of this thread and am wondering if this is just because everyone is busy, if there is little interest for this now, or if it's because I haven't released "Part I" yet. If it's the last one, I promise it will be available within the next few daysWink

On note of release: Since the "original" concept of "multilingual audio" failed miserably and I never found a Russian translator for the subtitles, I am now faced with the dilemma of WHERE to release this.

There are pro's & con's to releasing it ANYWHERE:

file-sharing sites: the files (links) never last long, download speeds are usually sh*t (unless you're premium) and they are a hassle due to being rar'ed into smaller parts, HOWEVER it's really easy to post these links in numerous forums so they are generally available to everyone, I only have to upload it to those sites once and then I'm done.

public trackers: these kinds of releases usually aren't seeded by others for long so they die, constant "wear & tear" on my HDD from having to be the only seeder, mixed speeds (especially low if I'm only seeder because not only do I have only 10mbps up but I also have a lot being shared on private-trackers) HOWEVER it is public so available to anyone that looks for it and very easy to release on all the different sites really fast.

private-trackers: they have limited access which ruins the idea I had for this to be an alternate way for ANYONE to watch the show, where I don't want it to just be a "few chosen" ones, LOL... HOWEVER, there's usually some kind of retention of these releases (due in part to different kind of community and the "ratios") and decent download speeds

ed2k: LMAO, yes that thing is still alive! I still use it as a source for certain things you can't find anywhere else, but really I would never consider that. Just thought I'd make some of you laughWink

usenet: again, like private-trackers, limited access due to having to have a usenet account (which costs money) or using a free one with very, very limited speed and in most cases has to be when the release is "new" (i.e. within 14 days based on my experiences with free providers) HOWEVER, it does have a 3 year retention rate (which honestly I don't think is that long but better than most public-trackers, LOL) and I would only have to upload it once.

I'm thinking that maybe I should post the "official BD" release on private-trackers (not sure which ones yet, hoping that I can post it on MS but have to double-check that with admin first) for those that want quality and a solid SD encode (because let's face it, DVD is dead and a lot of people rather download an SD rip) on public-trackers. This way, anyone that want to see this is able to and those that want quality will figure out how to attain the high-quality HD copy. If they don't already have access to MS, then they could just PM me here and we could work something out. What do you think?
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Wow, long post.

Ok, first of all, you have the season 1 project and rough cuts for 2 and 3 all at the same time. You must have a huge HD!!!

I will think on the global story before suggesting any cut. I understand your "scene A, B and C" explanation, so if this conflict appears, I won't suggest a cut.

As for where to cut, I think it's easier than you think (or not). Every season had a mid-season finale, so you could use that as an ending.

And where to post? Mega.co.nz gives you 50 GB of space per account and has a more than decent download speed. If you name it with a not-obvious title, it can last long.
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Releasing full quality version on private trackers and smaller 720p encodes on publics seem like a good idea.

I don't think MS admins would allow it, Myspleen is meant for obscure stuff and Walking Dead is a complete opposite of obscure. How many of you have a Blu-torrents account? They would probably love it and the tracker its already home for Team Blu releases.
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Welcome to the conversation FeallanSmile

Yeah, the full BD will be on private-tracker and possibly on MEGA (the suggestion that jedeitor made here of naming it something obscure might help a lot, thanx) and an SD encode on public trackers. A 720p rip?? I don't know if I will do that. Maybe someone else could encode it and re-post it, but I will not waste time on it unless there is a substantial "need" for it.

As far as MS is concerned, I have seen multiple different fanedit posted there before, hence the thought of trying to release it there but you may be right that TWD is a little bit out of the realm of what might be acceptable there. I do have a blu-torrents account and have attempted to contact Vinnie twice to "ok" this with him first, but have never received a response. If someone here is in touch with him, would they mind trying to get Vinnie involved in the conversation pertaining to release?

@jedeitor - My HDD on my machine is only 320GB, but I have two external 4TB drives for my media center, a 3TB "project files" HDD and a 4TB "TEMP" files HDD. So, yes, you could say that I have a lot of HDD space, LOL
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About using a not obvious name in a file sharing site, is good way of avoiding deletions.

Of course, if you name the parts WE.ARE.THE.WALKING.DEAD.BLURAY.FANEDIT.rar, it surely won't last long.

If you name it WADESHAD.rar, nobody outside the forums will know what the hell is that.

Anyway, I found out that MEGA is way more permissive with copyrighted files than other servers, but I think it's better to take precautions. Wink
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