In case any 35mm of Se7en comes along at eBay one day, please let's inform each other as I'd be highly interested to have such a copy scanned and preserved.
Although the article and comparison is wonderful, at least for me it's a bit confusing as well. Such as the author is ultimately recommending the Dutch BD-release when it comes to a HD version. On the other hand he wrote:
"Another, possibly related transfer was used for the Italian 2009 Blu-ray, however this is appropriately matted, and appears to have very little in the way of color-correction applied."
Judging by the screenshots though, to me the Italian BD appears to be the most different one colour-wise.
Hence my personal "dream": an open matte* (!) scan of the original negative (not gonna happen I know)..
* matting once desired could still be done afterwards but what you have, you have