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[Proposal] Mad max (1979) audio preserv
Springfeel that's an interesting idea, but the dubs are EQed differently, so switching from one dub to another will be noticeable I guess.
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(2019-04-02, 07:17 PM)Chewtobacca Wrote: How does the R1 SE DVD compare to the earlier DVDs in terms of color?  It certainly looks different from the BDs.


The European version looks more... Colorful...
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
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(2019-04-03, 12:24 AM)MrBrown Wrote: http://sd.caps-a-holic.com/vergleich.php?vergleichID=28

There are some differences here and there, but they all look fundamentally similar compared to the awful BDs.
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From that site:

"It's hard to believe, but the old German Mad Max puts all the other DVDs into the pocket. Not only does it provide the sharpest image, it also shows a balanced contrast-to-brightness ratio due to the increased contrast.

Despite the conspicuous interlacing, the Australian DVD can compete with the US SE. Decisive for a purchase should then be the DTS sound with 1536 kbit / s."
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Thanks Jonno, I hope it's dual mono ie stereo! In any case, I'm certain this will sound better than the 192kbps mono from the DVD.

I will include every mono track from the different sources on the final release (but not the remix fold downs from the Blu-ray and the SE DVD let it remain a purist edition).
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R4 BD 2011 review

Three soundtracks are on this disc. ... however, only seem to bring a Dolby Digital stereo version of the original Australian audio.

The menu screen of the recent [R4] 2015 Mad Max BluRay says "US Dubbed Dolby Digital Mono" but it's just a mono fold down of the Australian Stereo track. It's the same features as the old Australian DVD from the early 2000's. ...
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Yes it looks like Mad Max is lost forever. Even the 4K is just the current HD master upscaled with sightly better color rendering.

We're lucking we have the Warner DVD.

I hope the Australian 5.1 is a better remix than the general 5.1 as noted earlier.

I doubt the Japanese 4.0 mix will ever surface.
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With Japan, we never now. They sometimes get quite crazy,when it comes to multi media.
"Never cut a deal with a dragon..."
- Old Shadowrun wisdom
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Yeah, like the existence of Battletruck on Blu-ray! A Mad Max exploitation film that had an armoured truck long before Fury Road. Only available in Japan
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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So I read this on the Mad Max site


Quote:MGM gave the job of remixing Mad Max to Chace Productions, who seem to specialise in soundtrack restorations and upgrades for older films. In this case though I'm not entirely sure why MGM just didn't have the soundtrack remixed by Sound Firm and Roger Savage (pictured above), who made the original mix. Unlike some of the other mixes Chace have done for older films, in this case all of the original people and the original facilities are still available. Perhaps for some reason this is intended to only be a US release, and not be distributed elsewhere. Only time will tell on that one I guess.

Chace Productions converted the soundtrack using their proprietary Chace Digital Stereo processor, and claim that the new soundtrack provides a "truly directional stero mix". It was also stated that "plans are currently underway to issue a DVD with a 5.1 multi-channel stereo mix."

I have suspicions that the so called mono track on the Shout Blu-ray may actually be that original stereo mix before they did the 5.1 for the DVD.

However I don't have the disc, as it's not from my region.

Could anyone owning it be kind enough to PM me I would like to hear the stereo track for review? Australian track labeled as mono mix, not the US dub.

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