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[Help] The Keep (Michael Mann, 1983) – 35mm Scan
Well after gathering a bit of data, it seems there's the most amount of support for a preservation scan of The Keep as of right now, and I can most certainly understand why given its rough history when it comes to proper home media releases–or the lack thereof.

Though it may not be the original Michael Mann cut people wish to see or an official HD release that doesn't recycle the laserdisc master, we have the next best thing thanks to a collector friend: A theatrical release print.

So doing some quick rough calculations, the movie is 96 minutes, making the scanning cost $480 with an appended $200 for renting the print itself, roughly $75 for one-way shipping, bringing us to approximately $830 total in costs–in theory.

So, getting the ball rolling, I will be merely holding pledges for the time being. Once we get enough pledges to approximate the cost, I'll look into how to handle actual donations and we'll see how things will go from there.

So far we have pledges from...
  • $10 – FilmD00d ✓
  • $300 – Garrison Ryfun ✓
  • $100 – jamisontyler1 ✓
  • £20 / $25 – dvdmike (FanRes) 
  • $20 – zxthehedgehog
  • $100 – shiftyeyes ✓
  • $10 – TomArrow ✓
  • €50 / $55 – xavierbzh (FanRes) ✓
  • $20 – Eric Trenkamp (Facebook)
  • $50 – Matthew Barker (Facebook) ✓
  • £20 / $25 – alleycat (FanRes) ✓
  • £30 / $35 – HippieDalek ✓
  • £10 / $12 – Kynch (FanRes) ✓
  • $20 – Soupdrinker0 (OT) ✓
  • $25 – zoidberg (FanRes) ✓
  • $50 – iguanaclerk (FanRes) 
  • $25 – TheEvilMayor ✓
Collected Total: $905


[Image: The-Keep-Grindhouse-mkv-thumbs-2020-09-01-14-58-06.jpg]
[Image: ivwz24G.jpg]
Thanks given by: HippieDalek , xavierbzh , H A S S A N , hlb4tx , Guiyomus
I saw a 35mm print of this two Halloweens ago at my favourite cinema during an all nighter. It was an original print and it looked absolutely gorgeous, so if this print is in as good condition then you're in for a real treat. However as with all releases of The Keep the audio was absolutely awful in places.

Whenever the topic of a 35mm scan comes up people always ask if it's the 3 hour cut, but it simply never existed as a standard release print. It was only ever a work print, and if that still survives somewhere then it will be locked in a Paramount vault somewhere.

Anyway, count me in. I'm not sure how much I could contribute as my focus is currently on my own scan project, but that will be all settled soon so I'll be able to give you a figure then.

If you've not seen them already then I'd highly recommend checking out these excellent videos by williarob about the techniques he used to restore the Star Wars prints: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsda6L...UIg8u5bLGw

Best of luck with the project!
Program material is recorded on the other side of this disc...
Thanks given by: LucasGodzilla , dvdmike , koochew , gojira54
This comes after I jump on Top Gun!
I can do £20, maybe more.
Thanks given by: LucasGodzilla
I would like to say thanks to people around the film preservation community, we're currently roughly reached $230, a little over a 1/4 of the way there!
[Image: ivwz24G.jpg]
Thanks given by: HippieDalek
I'd give $10. Smile
Thanks given by: LucasGodzilla
You can count on 50€ from France   Shy

Thanks given by: LucasGodzilla
Raise my donation to $300, it could go higher (probably not much though) as I'll continue to set aside money for scanning donations. This would put you at 77% of your goal of 830
Thanks given by: HippieDalek , LucasGodzilla , Firmament
Put me down for £20 LucasGodzilla
Thanks given by: LucasGodzilla
Now that all the H2 project expenses have been dealt with I can make some commitments for this. You can put me down for at least £30. When you come to collecting I may be able to contribute more.
Program material is recorded on the other side of this disc...
Thanks given by: LucasGodzilla , dvdmike
(2020-05-12, 03:50 PM)Gryfun3 Wrote: Raise my donation to $300, it could go higher (probably not much though) as I'll continue to set aside money for scanning donations. This would put you at 77% of your goal of 830

(2020-05-12, 05:21 PM)alleycat Wrote: Put me down for £20 LucasGodzilla

(2020-05-12, 05:28 PM)HippieDalek Wrote: Now that all the H2 project expenses have been dealt with I can make some commitments for this. You can put me down for at least £30. When you come to collecting I may be able to contribute more.

Wow thank all of you guys for your donation offers! This puts the project at roughly $700 our of the needed $830! We're so close, only $130 more to go!
[Image: ivwz24G.jpg]
Thanks given by: HippieDalek , Gryfun3 , alleycat

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