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  UAR (Ultimate Aspect Ratio) screenshot comparisons
Posted by: spoRv - 2018-04-04, 05:12 PM - Forum: Official and unofficial releases - Replies (40)

“UAR: because every single pixel counts!™”

Last edit: 2021-07-28 links to examples are now working!

Link to technical explanation of UAR - Ultimate Aspect Ratio: https://fanrestore.com/thread-20.html

20,000 Thousand Leagues Under The Sea - 20000_Leagues_Under_The_Sea
WEB LB Vs UAR - usually more image on left and bottom sides; sometimes only on bottom; dealing with two very different master, dunno if it will be possible to get a viable final version using both source for all scenes; a compromise would be to use them for the vast majority of shots, while using just one for the few shots where blending doesn't work.

Alien 3 - Alien_3_BD_Vs_UAR_regraded_frame_040734
BD LB Vs UAR - incredibly, it’s possible to add some (few) parts of an image even on anamorphic films!

Alien: Resurrection - Alien_Resu...32618
BD LB Vs UAR - not only more image on top and bottom, in comparison to blu-ray, but also on both sides!!!

Arrival, The (1996) - The_Arriva...s_UAR
DVD FS Vs UAR - this is mostly a fullscreen version with added “slices” on both sides; if there is some interest, I’m ready to turn it in an hybrid fullscreen version instead.

Creep (2004)

Daredevil TC - Daredevil_BD_vs_UAR
BD LB Vs UAR regraded - gains a bit on top and bottom, and sometimes on one side too! (thanks to zoidberg for the Theatrical Cut project!)

Dark Tower, The - The_Dark_T...print
BD LB Vs UAR moviefingerprint - open matte has logo which is visible in few shots; solutions could be to wait for another open matte version without logo (or with it in another place), or use the plain BD, or crop the top of the image, or try an impaint and see if could work (it probably will in a couple of shots IMHO).

Deep Rising Earth Girls Are Easy Elektra TC - Elektra_(Theatrical_Cut)_BD_Vs_UAR_frame_083322
BD LB Vs UAR - here the image gained on one side is more consistent, and happens quite often! Final version will be regraded

Event Horizon - Event_Horizon_BD_vs_UAR
BD LB (squeezed) Vs UAR regraded (corrected AR) - usually a bit more image on left and bottom sides; few times, on space shots, as in this one, UAR has a lot more image than BD!

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Harry_Pott...58267
BD LB Vs UAR triple source

Jurassic Park - Jurassic_Park_HDTV_vs_FC
HDTV LB Vs UAR regraded - no color reference used, but I like these colors!

Jurassic Park III - Jurassic_P...16897
HDTV OM Vs UAR - as other UAR dual sources, this has many shots in fullscreen with “slices” added on both sides, but in many others the contrary is true, where open matte has more image on top and/or bottom.

Matrix, The Rogue one - Rogue_One_BD_vs_UAR
BD LB Vs UAR - welcome unexpected surprise!

Resident Evil - Resident_E...print
BD LB Vs UAR moviefingerprint

Resident Evil: Apocalypse - Resident_E...09313
BD OM Vs UAR - maybe it will end up using three

Resident Evil: Afterlife - Resident_E..._shot
BD LB Vs UAR regraded - only few scenes are actually really in open matte (and subsequentially in UAR); of course, the French text is not present in the final version!

Robocop (1987)
  • Robocop_1987_BD_vs_UAR_2
    unreleased Sony BD LB Vs UAR regraded - thanks to FS, there is a lot more image on both top and bottom; most of the shots (probably 95%+) are 1.33:1 with small added slices on the sides.
  • Robocop_1987_BD_vs_UAR
    remastered BD LB Vs UAR - gains a bit more image also on both sides
Silent Hill - Silent_Hil...07029
HD-DVD LB Vs UAR - final version will be regraded

Terminator 2 Terminator 3 - Terminator...print
HDTV OM Vs UAR moviefingerprint

Village, The - The_Village_HDTV_vs_FC
HDTV LB Vs UAR - also a tiny bit more image on both sides.

Waterworld Hint: watch the comparison in fullscreen.

Note: at the moment, none of these has been released!

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  2 VHS Audio Captures to remove faults.
Posted by: CSchmidlapp - 2018-04-03, 11:35 PM - Forum: Audio and video editing - Replies (16)

Hello Everyone.

I thought id throw this out to the fanres hive brain Smile

I have 2 VHS captures from 2 Different tapes, its for the audio side of things and the Video side is irrelevant.
Both have dropouts and faults but (Hoping!) not in the same places and the idea is to edit between them for a clean Audio Track.

Does anybody know of any quicker way than just cutting between the 2?
Kind of like a method of removing the difference?

Any help and advice would be great Smile

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  Empire Strikes Back original audio track?
Posted by: deleted user - 2018-04-02, 05:35 AM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - Replies (7)

I was wanting to rewatch some of the OT movies. Started with ROTJ and enjoyed it, but now I went on to ESB and saw that the Grindhouse version (my preferred way to watch this) has the 2.0 Dolby Stereo from the 35mm. 

Now, naturally, I was inspired to create a 5.1 track out of that using my Dolby SDU4. BUT since this was likely recorded straight from the film, there was likely no account for any Dolby Noise Reduction that was very likely used on the print, so any attempt to reverse the 4-channel fold-down before reversing the Dolby Noise Reduction would be kind of pointless.

So I was wondering if there was any "authentic" and lossless track out there.

I was thinking Laserdisc maybe.

Checked out the Despecialized Edition and that one has a "1993 Laserdisc mix", but only included as AC-3 (meh), not lossless.

Also, what does "1993 mix" imply? Was it changed? Not for the special edition right? Those came out in 1997, afaik.

It also includes a 5.1 and 2.0 track, both titled "1980 mix". Now this utterly confuses me. What does that mean? To my knowledge, in 1980 there was no 5.1 surround for movies. So what exactly are those two tracks? Is it the original 1980 2.0 track and the 5.1 one is basically the same thing I would do (converting to 5.1 with a Surround decoder) or is this some kind of later 5.1 revision?!

I realized that the ROTJ Grindhouse version also has a 5.1 mix called (1983 mix). That should have made me skeptical already I guess, but somehow in my mind I thought, okay, maybe in 1983 they already had surround? But even that isn't the case, I think.

So what are those mysterious 5.1/2.0 tracks on the Despecialized Editions and what's the source and what is the best way to get something that very much resembles the original theatrical experience?

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  48 HRS LD Audio
Posted by: PaulKersey - 2018-04-02, 02:36 AM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - No Replies

according to HD digest review the surrounds have been poorly remixed on the bluray (too loud)
probably shouldn't be making a request since I hardly use this site but whatever Big Grin

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  UAR: Ultimate Aspect Ratio - official logos
Posted by: spoRv - 2018-04-01, 07:21 PM - Forum: General technical discussions - No Replies

UAR: Ultimate Aspect Ratio official logos

[Image: UAR_LOGO_BIG.png]

[Image: UAR_logo_dual_om_lb.png]           [Image: UAR_logo_dual_fs_om.png]           [Image: UAR_logo_dual_fs_lb.png]           [Image: UAR_logo_triple.png]
    open matte + letterbox               fullscreen + open matte                fullscreen + letterbox                         triple source           

You are welcome to use them for your own UAR project; just put a link in your web page pointing here: http://ultimateaspectratio.ga

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  Shaun of the Dead 35mmized
Posted by: deleted user - 2018-04-01, 05:20 AM - Forum: Released - Replies (5)

Originally presented here: https://fanrestore.com/thread-2023.html

What better day than Easter Sunday - the day Jesus stood up from the dead - to not only bring you a very good zombie movie, but to bring you an actually REBORN version of a very good zombie movie. And as if this wasn't shocking enough in and of itself, what better day to release it than April 1st? Except this thing actually exists - even though it shouldn't - just like Jesus actually (?) stood up from the dead - even though he shouldn't have. Okay okay, enough is enough.

May I present:

Shaun of the Dead - 35mmized Edition

This is little regrade project. I always found the colors in Shaun of the Dead a bit boring and dull and thought the movie deserved a more exciting look.

I regraded the movie with a couple of 3D LUTs which I generated using DrDre's ColorMatch tool and some snaps of 35mm film cells on eBay.

No idea what those film cells were taken from. Likely trailers. Either way, there is little consistency in them. Sometimes the same scene is present with two different gradings.

But, for what it's worth, I was able to figure out two basic looks with a few variations. The one is a normal kind of warm film look. The other is something that looks like some extreme kind of Bleach Bypass.

I don't know which one of these looks is more theatrically accurate, so I decided to use them both depending on the current scene/context/music/score. Neither really fits in all the scenes, so a blanket LUT doesn't make much sense. Bleach Bypass look usually when zombies are involved, the normal film look in more calm scenes - especially in the beginning of the film, at Shaun's workplace etc.. And then there's one that looks a bit like pushed slide film and on the colder side, which is good for the indoors shots in the bar; but I think that one is just a variation of the normal film look.

Thumbnail comparison:

[Image: thumbnails-original.png] [Image: thumbnails-regrade.png]

Here is a screenshot comparison of a few images I semi-randomly picked for demonstration:
[Image: 0002-original.jpg] [Image: 0002-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0006-original.jpg] [Image: 0006-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0010-original.jpg] [Image: 0010-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0013-original.jpg] [Image: 0013-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0017-original.jpg] [Image: 0017-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0026-original.jpg] [Image: 0026-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0030-original.jpg] [Image: 0030-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0045-original.jpg] [Image: 0045-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0049-original.jpg] [Image: 0049-regrade.jpg]

[Image: 0052-original.jpg] [Image: 0052-regrade.jpg]

Note: The above screenshotcomparisons are jpegs taken from the lossless render and do not represent the actual quality and are only there to showcase the colors. Refer to the actual screenshots for judging the actual encode quality. I have included the comparison in the comparison folder as well.

I don't think there's a big chance of me ever finding out the "true theatrical" colors, but I like my results so far and I think it's a step up from the boring standard colors which look not much more exciting than some random TV show. After all, it's a zombie apocalypse movie and should be a bit flashy/fancy/gritty.

This whole thing also pushes out the grain of the movie a little more, especially in the final scenes.

[Image: frame0.png] [Image: frame1.png] [Image: frame2.png] [Image: frame3.png] [Image: frame4.png] [Image: frame5.png] [Image: frame6.png] [Image: frame7.png] [Image: frame8.png] [Image: frame9.png]

To be found on Blutopia.

P.S. For those who voiced criticisms in the old thread: This is still the old version. I didn't find the motivation/time to make any further changes, but I also didn't want to leave it unreleased, so here you go.

P.P.S. I hope the embedded screenshots work. Somehow I remember issues with imagebam on here. Let me know. Edit: Fixed the screenshots using postimg.
Edit by admin: ONE screenshot comparison: http://ultimateaspectratio.ga/Shaun_Of_T...raded.html

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Lightbulb Robocop (1987) UAR version
Posted by: spoRv - 2018-03-29, 11:15 PM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - Replies (130)

It was time! Big Grin

I tried first blending the full screen and the open matte 1.66:1 Criterion versions, but they differ too much in color and contrast, and didn't match well in almost any scene, so I put it on hold, hoping to find out the right match. And I've finally found it - the unreleased Sony BD.

So, do not expect the best version possible; apart the obvious fact that full screen is standard definition, both shares the same master with high contrast (crushed blacks and clipped whites, albeit they could be partially recovered) and a lot of grain (lost on the FS, that I'll try to reinstate to match the BD).

Without much further ado, here are some screenshots from a VERY preliminary rough quick'n'dirt alpha test (so you won't expect too much! Big Grin )

[Image: Robocop_1987_UAR_004037.jpg]
[Image: Robocop_1987_UAR_013157.jpg]
[Image: Robocop_1987_UAR_014641.jpg]
[Image: Robocop_1987_UAR_020346.jpg]
[Image: Robocop_1987_UAR_041827.jpg]
[Image: Robocop_1987_UAR_071064.jpg]
[Image: Robocop_1987_UAR_086738.jpg]

color matching should be improved, as well as FS grain; the sources aren't in sync, so if you note some spatial misalignement, it will not be present in the final version; but the main aim of these screenshots is to show you how much image it will gain.

Thought also to color matching it to Criterion DVD. Still undecided which audio tracks should be included, though; I've thought about the Criterion laserdisc PCM, then what else? The 4.0? The 5.1?

Last thing: even if in some (many?) shots the remastered BD has a bigger frame, sometimes the contrary is true - I distinctly remember there were few shots really zoomed in in the new version.
Example: http://ultimateaspectratio.ga/Robocop_19...s_UAR.html (watch it fullscreen!)

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Lightbulb fix CinemaScope anamorphic lenses distortion
Posted by: spoRv - 2018-03-29, 05:36 PM - Forum: General technical discussions - Replies (7)

Working on 20,000 leagues under the sea, the distortion given by the CinemaScope anamorphic lenses was clear (to me) in more than one horizontal pans; vertical axis seems to not be affected at all, but I may be wrong.

So, it would be beneficial to fix this problem; Avisynth filter WarpedResize (http://avisynth.nl/index.php/SimpleResize) may fix this easily; the only problem is to find out the right settings... once found them, the fix *should* apply to all CinemaScope films - at least the ones which had not received an eventual distortion fix.

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  IF you bought The Last Jedi which version and why?
Posted by: Jetrell Fo - 2018-03-29, 03:06 AM - Forum: Everything else... - Replies (19)

I bought the version I wanted from Walmart because the same version on eBay was double it's actual selling price.

I got the Bluray/DVD/Digital set that had the Bluray bonus disc and the 6 card choices for the cover.  Well worth the $25 samolians it cost me.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  20,000 leagues under the sea - UAR
Posted by: spoRv - 2018-03-28, 10:05 PM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - Replies (11)

Today, during the usual HDD cleaning from unused files, I've found a very old, unfinished project - 20,000 leagues under the sea; idea was to add needed soundtracks and few more, maybe a slight color correction and noise reduction.

Then, I noted I have two versions... guess what? Yep, they have different aspect ratios! So, why don't give it a try with an UAR version?

Well, they have also very different color grading, so they won't always match perfectly, but for most of the shots they seem to blend pretty well; for the others, one of the sources must be used.

Top letterbox, bottom UAR (that has usually more image on both left and bottom sides):

[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_005067.jpg]
(comparison: http://ultimateaspectratio.ga/20000_Leag...e_Sea.html)

[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_017988.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_041314.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_047046.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_061673.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_062671.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_111488.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_120184.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_124731.jpg]
[Image: 20000_leagues_comparison_LB_UAR_158137.jpg]


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