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Thanks Falcon and Applesandrice!
Applesandrice is right. That article is referencing the previous LD. The SE cut. That disc was a mess. The 95 was much, much better.
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Ah whoops. My bad, guys. Looking forward to the release even more then!
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Ok so here is the cut/conform list used to create the TV Cut (TVC) from the Special Edition (SE) and Theatrical Cut (TC).
-kept Ripley finding out about he daughter scene (Her 11th birthday)
-removed extra conference room lines (...its the view of this inquest...)
-pulled the dissolve from the conference room to Ripley smoking in her apartment from the TC. The SE is a hard cut from the conference room to LV-426
-removed extra lines in Ripley's apartment (...saw the commercial)
-removed Jonesy goodbye (cut for language in the TVC). Now hard cuts from Ripley to the Sulaco in space
-removed extra shots of the interior of the Sulaco
-removed scene of Hudson talking weapons and adjacent shots (...knives, sharp sticks...) and put in the original scene from the TC. The SE version breaks the shot of Gorman and Apone into two separate shots and loses some frames
-removed extra Hudson motion tracker scene (Good one, Hudson)
-removed scene outside with Ripley, Burke and Gorman entering the colony (Are you alright?)
-kept the robot sentry introduction (But the good news..., without they really kick ass line)
-removed shot of Hudson and Ripley saying she is tired of his bulls**t (cut for language in the TVC)
-kept the discussion about the planning the barricades and sentries (..we put the other sentry here..)
-kept scene of setting up and testing the sentry guns (Fire in the hole)
-kept the shots of the guns scanning the hallways
-kept have Ripley and Newt discussing Ripley's daughter (She's dead)
-removed a large chunk of SE's bee hives comparison (... ain't bees, man...). The TC and SE are cut much differently here and it seems the timing of the TVC is slightly different too. So I took the TC footage and conformed it to the TVC.
-kept the first sentry attack scene (..its a shooting gallery..)
-kept the second sentry attack scene (maybe we got them demoralized)
To do -Matted in and repaired the scratches on the window in the facehugger attack from an old HDTV broadcast. These were digitally taken out for the BD
-removed the shot and line of "screwing themselves of for a percentage" (cut for language in the TVC)
-kept the corrected placement of the guns (pulse rifle first, then flame thrower) since Cameron fixed for the first time in the TVC
-kept the Ellen/Dwayne exchange
-Matted in and repaired the hole were Bishop from an old HDTV broadcast. This was digitally taken out for the BD
So the problematic thing for some people is the 3 underlined cuts. Those were clearly cut for language. I removed them since I wanted to skew as close to the original TVC as possible (Cameron did the cut himself) and more importantly I want to preserve the TV soundtrack if possible. It sounds like Bill Paxton dubbed a few of Hudson's censored lines and preserving that track would be important to me. If those are left in I can't sync the track. IF people don't like or the TV track won't conform, I'll put those section back in. And of course any TC version will have them.
Also if anyone is good at noise removal, I could use some help. The TVC tracks has the normal VHS/recorded from TV buzzing and background noise.
Otherwise, the other language is preserved on the non-TV tracks and the full violence is intact.
The bolded items are fixes from the BD I have or will undo. If anyone can think of any other fixes, please let me know.
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I'm fine with you removing the removed for language shots, as long as you later amend your regrade by releasing the TC and SE!
I wouldn't have reinstated the fixed shots (window + Bishop hole) I don't care about those really. Only crazy people would notice.
Sounds awesome overall!
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Sounds like a lot of love mate, well done indeed