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[Canceled] Aliens TV Cut and Theatrical Regrade (Fox THX Laserdisc)
Not sure if this is for sale, but anyone interested in that "green" German Terminator DVD might be interested in this. Have your translators ready lol

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I was treated 2 years ago to a 70mm theatrical showing of Aliens and I can confirm the colour was closer to the Blu Ray. Not quite as green but definitely not Blu in the theatre. It was a local independent who got their hands on the print as part of a film festival. Amazing showing and the sound was surpringly good too. I think this project is excellent and after just meeting Michael Biehn last week I'm all the more ready to watch!
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(2015-09-11, 12:06 PM)Farstarbuck Wrote: I was treated 2 years ago to a 70mm theatrical showing of Aliens and I can confirm the colour was closer to the Blu Ray. Not quite as green but definitely not Blu in the theatre. It was a local independent who got their hands on the print as part of a film festival. Amazing showing and the sound was surpringly good too. I think this project is excellent and after just meeting Michael Biehn last week I'm all the more ready to watch!

Speaking of which, trolling through ebay and found some more pics from a 35mm print:

[Image: aliens.jpg]
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alien + aliens & a lot of screens from Super 8 reels, Italian blog.
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Thanks for the links marin88. I really wish I could collect those Deranns but they are so rare now.

Anyway that seems to be more proof that the BD is still closest to a film print. Far from perfect but closer then the DVDs and LDs
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Have you seen this other Italian blog full of pictures from 16mm prints? (I see Tron amidst many)
AKA thxita on OriginalTrilogy
I preserve movies as they first appeared in Italy.
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Going to see Aliens in the cinema on Saturday. I'll keep a keen eye out for those hues!

Lets see if its green, blue, or magenta.
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Thanks Farstarbuck. I'm curious to hear the results.
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What screening and format?
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It's being shown at our IMAX as part of a film festival. Our IMAX is a story high screen. I'm sitting here waiting for it to start and genuinely don't know how they are going to present it??? I'll be sure to let you know. I may even try and sneak a shot of the screen. Can't miss it really
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