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  Christmas Titles Available to Sync
Posted by: spaceboy710 - 2020-12-06, 05:15 AM - Forum: Released - Replies (17)

In preparation for Christmas, I went on a laserdisc buying rampage. I grabbed as many copies of Christmas films as I could and have been capturing like mad.

All of these audio captures are available. Nothing is synced and I currently don't have video captures of any.

Everything is either analog 96/32 or bit-perfect PCM. For the ones with multiple different pressings, I haven't done much comparing and contrasting. Feel free to request individual captures or I can just send you a ZIP file with everything and you can decide what is the best. Smile

Die Hard
[8905-85] (PCM and AC-3)

Die Hard 2
1850-85 Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990) LBX/SRD/+CAV 1991-03-07 NTSC USA
8906-85 Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990) LBX/AC3/+CAV/THX 1995-12-20 NTSC USA

It's A Wonderful Life
3M25 (analog 96/32)
LV22060 (analog 96/32)
LVA-1001 (analog 96/32)
IVCL-10009 - JPN pressing (PCM)
LV22068 - 45th Anniversary (PCM)
LV22062 - 50th Anniversary (PCM)
CC1112L - Criterion (PCM)

Lethal Weapon (1987) [NJL-11709]

Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
1072-80 Miracle On 34th Street (1947) ANA 1987 NTSC USA
8505-80 Miracle on 34th Street (1947) 1993-11-03 NTSC USA 
0107280 Miracle on 34th Street: 50th Anniversary (1947) PCM

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) [11889]

Nightmare Before Christmas, The (1993) [2236 AS]

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) [ID7267IV]

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (1970) [ID7268IV]

Scrooge (1970)
7126-80 Scrooge (1970) P&S 1984 NTSC USA
7126-85 Scrooge (1970) LBX 1995-11-08 NTSC USA

Scrooged (1988) [LV 32054]

Shop Around the Corner, The (1940) [ML101164]

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  Eraserhead (1977) - Betamax Preservation
Posted by: simpjake1999 - 2020-12-04, 08:11 PM - Forum: In progress - Replies (5)

As soon as I get the tape, I’ll be capturing the video and audio. Anyone interested in the Preservation?

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  Any way to test an audio file for resampling/bit-depth conversion?
Posted by: BusterD - 2020-12-04, 10:02 AM - Forum: Audio and video editing - Replies (5)

Like the title says, I'd like to test some audio files to make sure they are actually 24-bit/96kHz and haven't been upsampled/converted by Windows or the recording software. Pretty sure I have everything set up now for correctly capturing audio at 24/96 (Audacity is set to WASAPI and will give an error when trying to record something at 96000hz if the hardware is set to a different rate), but would like to test some of my older files in case I didn't record them properly back then.

I know that one can just run a .wav file through eac3to to see if it has padded zeroes, but haven't been able to find any info on checking files for resampling or bit-depth conversion.

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  [No Longer Available] Alien 3 Theatrical Cut (Project CRT #2)
Posted by: PDB - 2020-11-30, 10:17 PM - Forum: Released - Replies (1)

[Image: SGrjUa7.jpg]

Alien 3 Theatrical Cut (Project CRT #2 v1.2)

Part of the Project CRT, for more background read here:

To quickly recap, many late 90's/early 2000s HD, DVD and even LD masters have a significant red/magenta push on modern flat panels. It is assumed that this is caused by them being mastered on older CRT monitors which had a green and blue push. This project attempts to fix many of those old masters by making them look how the color technician would see them on a CRT master monitor. Not necessarily more theatrically accurate but hopefully closer to what the colorist wanted and hopefully more pleasing to the eye.

So this is the BD copy of the TC of Alien 3 corrected to look how it does on my Sony BVM monitor. I did a little bit of cleanup since its an old master at this point with a little bit of sharpening and grain. I also added the rocking PCM 2.0 Dolby Surround from the LD with the 5.1 from the original BD.

The TC of Alien 3 color corrected on a CRT mastering monitor with a little bit of sharpening and grain.

1. PCM 2.0 Dolby Surround (from the widescreen LD)
2. Dolby Digital 2.0 (from the 1999 DVD)
3. Dolby Digital 5.1 (from the 1999 DVD)
4. DTS-HD MA 5.1 (from the BD)
5. PCM 2.0 Isolated Score

Synced to the TC BD

Final MKV
[Image: IX8PA2A.png]

CRT Corrected/Original
[Image: F4OcTzw.jpg]

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  [No Longer Available] Conan The Barbarian Theatrical Cut (Project CRT #1)
Posted by: PDB - 2020-11-30, 10:04 PM - Forum: Released - Replies (7)

[Image: 5NY73FC.jpg]

Conan The Barbarian Theatrical Cut (Project CRT #1 v1.0)

Part of the Project CRT, for more background read here:

Originally the first release of Project CRT was suppose to be Tremors but with the remaster coming out soon, I decided to switch to doing the Conan TC.

To quickly recap, many late 90's/early 2000s HD, DVD and even LD masters have a significant red/magenta push on modern flat panels. It is assumed that this is caused by them being mastered on older CRT monitors which had a green and blue push. This project attempts to fix many of those old masters by making them look how the color technician would see them on a CRT master monitor. Not necessarily more theatrically accurate but hopefully closer to what the colorist wanted and hopefully more pleasing to the eye.

So this is the HDTV Amazon copy of the TC of Conan corrected to look how it does on my Sony BVM monitor. The original file has a DD+ 2.0 mono to which I added the LD's PCM 2.0 mono.

The Amazon rip of Conan the Barbarian color corrected on a CRT mastering monitor

1. PCM 2.0 Mono (from the widescreen LD)
2. DD+ 2.0 Mono

Final MKV
[Image: 0A9MNiQ.png]

CRT Corrected/Original
[Image: BpFCRem.jpg]

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  Inserting 1:85:1 footage into 1:78:1
Posted by: alleycat - 2020-11-30, 03:26 PM - Forum: Audio and video editing - Replies (8)

Hi All,

I'm starting work on a project where there is an official blu ray release of a shorter export version - which is 1:78:1. 

I also have a webrip of the original longer version - which is 1:85:1.

According to the imdb technical specifications the original aspect ratio was 1:85:1.

So when inserting the alternate footage from the webrip into the blu ray I guess I have two options a) leave it as it is so the aspect ratio changes throughout the movie b) matte the blu ray footage to 1:85:1 which will lose a bit of picture from the top and bottom but it maintains the same aspect ratio throughout. I guess a third option would be to slightly stretch the 1:85:1 footage to 1:78:1.

Anyone got any thoughts or suggestions as to what they would do? 


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Posted by: pipefan413 - 2020-11-30, 12:59 AM - Forum: In progress - Replies (26)

This one's kind of sad, because it's a notoriously bad LaserDisc for "disc rot" (a.k.a. "laser rot"). The image is a bit iffy because there are lots of dropouts from age-related deterioration, basically.

There is a DVD transfer of this version of the film, however it's more cropped than the original CAV LaserDisc, from a less than perfect source, and has what I reckon are almost certainly very badly wrong colours. The LD one also seems to reveal more detail in backgrounds because the contrast is cranked too high on the DVD which means some faint pencils are lost in clipped-off bright whites. Also, several dissolves are not proper dissolves as they are on the LD, but instead have a scratchy white mark moving from left to right and then a hard pop-in when it switches from black and white pencil drawing to coloured not-quite-final animation.

Some quick side-by-sides to give you an idea of what I mean:

[Image: BATBWIP001238.png]
[Image: BATBWIP001272.png]
[Image: BATBWIP024116.png]
[Image: BATBWIP024117.png]

Here's one example of both the rot and the radically different colours:

[Image: BATBWIP043358.png]

I'm wondering if maybe the original LaserDisc transfer was from negative whereas the DVD is from a print or something, because only the DVD has things like messy-as-hell cue marks:

[Image: BATBWIP046907.png]

This one's a good showcase of how messed up the contrast is on the DVD version:

[Image: BATBWIP048865.png]

Whilst I think the LD probably has more correct colours overall, it definitely has the ol' magenta bias that @PDB and others have noticed on older CRT-graded masters:

[Image: BATBWIP091285.png]

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  The Shining European cut remastered
Posted by: XanaxTheGreat - 2020-11-29, 12:33 PM - Forum: Requests, proposals, help - Replies (4)

I checked if this thread already existed and I didn't find it. If it actually exist, I apology.

It would be great to recut the 2019 new master of The Shining (used for the last UHD by Warner) in order to match the shorter european cut. Unfortunately Warner didn't include this cut in the last UHD. Even in the UK, the blu-ray of this shorter cut disc included in the UHD didn't use the new remaster?

I'm conscious it is a bit odd to ask "do something please" but I have absolutely no knowledge to do it myself.

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Posted by: Hunty313 - 2020-11-27, 08:41 AM - Forum: Presentation - Replies (3)

New to the forum, I'm here to see and learn !
I saw that many provide good quality work, it's nice Smile
See you soon and have a good day,


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Posted by: XanaxTheGreat - 2020-11-26, 03:23 PM - Forum: Presentation - Replies (8)

Hi Everyone!
I'm XanaxTheGreat (Why this silly name? I don't even know myself). I'm a french movie enthusiast, host of a radioshow dedicated to pop culture, co-writer of a fanzine and (occasionaly) short movie director. I discovered the amazing work of fan restorers during the lockdown, thanks to forums loke OriginalTrilogy.com and TheStarWarsTrilogy.com.
I'm happy to be among you :-)

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